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Becoming a mom after menopause at 50 via egg donor

Becoming a mom after menopause at 50 via egg donor

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Likkee Lee</span>
    Likkee Lee

    I’m Likkee from Richmond, VA. Is it possible for a woman aged 50 to get pregnant using donor eggs? I know I can’t have a biological pregnancy because I’ve already got through menopause, but anyway I’d like to have a baby now if it were possible with egg donation… is it? Please, give me an answer, I need it.

    01/03/2016 at 9:26 am
  2. Dear Likkee,

    Several studies have shown that recipients aged 45-50 have lower implantation rates, i.e. clinical pregnancy rates, and live birth rates than women under 45. Besides, the miscarriage rate increases in these cases if compared to women younger than 45. Thus, taking this into account, the egg donation outcome does depend on the recipient age, given that the differences between recipient age groups have been proven to be statistically significant.

    Experts relate this outcome to uterine receptivity, because numerous studies have shown that it may decline with advanced age due to unknown biochemical as well as molecular aberrations of the endometrium. In addition, this decline may be also due to higher incidence of other pathological conditions like polyps, myomas, etc. Hypertension and other systemic disorders are more common in this group of women and could contribute to this reduced potential for implantation.

    However, the age limit for donor egg recipients depends on each clinic. As for egg donation in the US there is no age limit established by law, many clinics stop accepting women older than 55 due to the reasons mentioned above. In other countries, this age is limited to 50 years old, such as in Spain. Ask your fertility clinic for the potential risks you may face according to your own particular situation.

    Hope this helps,


    01/13/2016 at 5:47 pm
    • Hey Sandra,

      I was afraid my eggs were going to make my baby develop a genetic abnormality, but that fear is gone as I’m gonna use donor eggs, and I’ve already come to terms with that. Doc says if you use donor eggs, Down’s syndrome is unlikely even if you’re 50. He’s right, isn’t he? Anyway my question is what are the risks involved in carrying a baby at age 50? Thx

      07/17/2016 at 9:58 am
    • Dear sabrina_ohio,

      Yes, he is right. When a woman gets pregnant with donor eggs, given that they have been donated by young, healthy women, the risk of genetic abnormalities linked to advanced maternal age doesn’t increase. However, there exist certain obstetric risk of material importance that you should take into account.

      In women aged 40 or more, regardless of whether they use donor eggs or own eggs, pregnancy entails a wider range of risks: hypertension, higher chances of developing preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, preterm birth, low birth weight… These are some of the reasons why clinicians and ART specialists do not recommend getting pregnant after the age of 50.

      I hope I have been able to help,

      Best wishes

      07/18/2016 at 12:06 pm
  3. Thx Sandra, now let’s see if it works on 1st attempt, else I’ll surpass the age limit!!

    07/18/2016 at 5:35 pm
    • Hi sabrina_ohio, fyi I’m 47 and 20 weeks pregnant now. I thought it was impossible, but life has taught me a lesson and this is a real blessing. I already have a child (27 years old now) and I can tell you this pregnancy is not like the first one. I’ve to attend more doc appointments to check if everything is going as it should, and the last time I was diagnosed with hypertension 🙁 Next week is my blood glucose test to see if I’ve diabetes too or not. Really hoping it doesn’t get worse… don’t want to lose my baby!! God I believe in you!!

      07/19/2016 at 10:21 am