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Best in vitro fertilization clinics for egg donation in Spain

Best in vitro fertilization clinics for egg donation in Spain

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">angela meyer</span>
    angela meyer

    I recently visited by OB/GYN and he told me that unfortunately my ovarian reserve fertility tests showed diminished ovarian reserve. This means I almost have no eggs, which makes it so hard for me to fall pregnant naturally, or even impossible. After doing some research, I guess the best thing for me to do would be using donor eggs, but I would like to do it in Spain, because I currently live in Germany but travel every summer to Mallorca, and it’s cheaper there… What are the best IVF clinics in Spain? And what about Mallorca?

    12/27/2015 at 10:49 am
  2. Dear angela meyer,

    I’m afraid I cannot give you a definitive answer to your question, since qualifying a fertility clinic as “the best” in a country depends on many factors, the preferences each couple may have, each particular situation, age, costs, etc. My advice is that you make a list with your preferences and special needs (if any) and then look for the Spanish fertility clinics that best fits them. Otherwise, you may only get people’s opinions that could qualify a service as excellent, while for you it is not that good or necessary.

    The following link will take you to our clinic directory: Fertility clinics in Spain. There you will find the most important fertility centers across Spain.

    Besides, by clicking the link you will find below, you can fill in and submit our form in order to get a customized estimate according to your geographical location, preferences, age, own particular situation, etc.

    Filling in the form and getting an estimate

    Hope this helps,

    Best wishes

    01/05/2016 at 11:15 am