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Blastocyst day 5 transfer on 23rd January

Blastocyst day 5 transfer on 23rd January

  1. Jane_Goh

    It’s 6th day after my 5-day, single embryo transfer. I only can feel a period-coming feeling and due to anxiety I did a pregnancy test today morning and was negative 🙁 I’m very worried!

    01/28/2016 at 4:37 pm
  2. Dear Jane,

    Thank you very much for getting involved. When it is a blastocyst embryo transfer, you can take a pregnancy test on day 10th post embryo transfer, but not earlier. The negative result you got may be a false negative result, given that your beta-hCG levels may not be still high enough as to be detected by a pregnancy test. Wait at least until day 10 and then repeat the pregnancy test, if possible a blood pregnancy one, since they are more accurate than home pregnancy tests.

    I hope you could share your results with us 🙂 I’m sure they’ll be very helpful for other women in your situation,


    01/29/2016 at 8:33 am