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Bleeding again at 5 and a half weeks after medical abortion

Bleeding again at 5 and a half weeks after medical abortion

  1. Maddi

    I went to the doctors last week and although my hcg levels have dropped massively I am still showing pregnant on a blood test that was at just over 4 weeks after having medical abortion… I’m meant to be going for an internal ultrasound soon but have just started bleeding again at almost 6 weeks! What could this be? Should I take another pregnancy test? Thanks

    06/06/2018 at 2:07 am
  2. Hello Maddy perce,

    It’s normal that there’s still some hCG remaining in your body. Just give it more time to come back to normal. As for the bleeding, well, if it’s a heavy bleeding, my advice is that you visit your doctor. But if it’s just a slight bleeding or spotting, it may be just due to hormonal imbalances caused by the medical abortion. It’s a normal side effect until your body and ovarian function returns to normality.

    Tell your doctor about these signs and symptoms when you go for an internal ultrasound to get a confirmation of what’s normal and what’s not.

    I hope this helps,

    Best regards

    06/06/2018 at 9:33 am
  3. Thank you is there a chance it could be my period? I’m having cramps also, there’s been a few clots too, and it’s average not too heavy/not spotting I live 4 hours from a town to get to doctors

    06/06/2018 at 10:04 am
    • Hello maddy,

      Yes, it could be your period as well. If you’re experiencing period-like symptoms that you find familiar, then it’s likely to be your period.

      06/06/2018 at 10:06 am