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Brown spotting after donor-egg IVF, does it mean it worked?

Brown spotting after donor-egg IVF, does it mean it worked?

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">oasis21</span>


    I’m currently undergoing an IVF with donor egg cycle. Out of the six eggs I received, we got 4 viable, high-quality embryos, one 2 A and another 2 B. I had a 2-embryo transfer done a few days ago on Jan 2nd but today I saw brown spotting on my underwear, although it stopped quite early. I’ve never experienced anything like this before, that’s why I’m concerned. I think it could be due to embryo implantation maybe, which would mean that I’m pregnant? I’m pretty sure it is due to pregnancy because I’m not expecting my period now, and even if it was my menstruation, I’ve never had this type of brown discharge… Any help????

    Thank you!

    12/20/2015 at 1:16 pm
  2. Dear oasis21,

    The appearance of a mild brown spotting during the two-week wait (2ww) after and IVF cycle using donor eggs may be an indicator that embryo implantation has occurred; in other words, that you are pregnant. However, I’m afraid this is not the only cause. Unfortunately, this fact cannot translate into pregnancy now, since it could be a side effect of stimulation of ovarian function medications.

    Taking into account that you have used donor eggs and subsequently high-quality embryos, success rates are higher, but you won’t be able to clear your doubts until you can take the beta-hCG analysis.

    The absence of your menstrual period is neither an accurate indicator, since another side effect of ovulation enhancing drugs is a delay in your menstruation, regardless of whether implantation has happened or not.

    I wish you the best of luck!

    01/11/2016 at 1:23 pm