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Poor responder to hormone treatment… Can I donate eggs?

Poor responder to hormone treatment… Can I donate eggs?

  1. abbiezabbie

    I was told that based on my hormone levels and US (total of 8 follicles on day 4 of period) it’s less likely I’ll respond well to the hormone treatment and might not get enough mature follicles for donation. My hormones at day 4 are: FSH 8.5 IU/L, LH 5.6 IU/L, TSH 1.23 mU/L, ESTRADIOL (E-2) 151 pmol/L.
    I really want to donate but afraid to start the whole process and end up not being able to retrieve the follicles. Has anyone else started off the same and ended up donating successfully?

    01/22/2018 at 2:00 pm
  2. Dear abbiezabbie,

    In principle, all values in your hormonal analysis are within the normal range. Nonetheless, my advice is that you follow your doctor’s instructions.

    Learn more here: Am I Eligible To Donate Eggs? – Requirements & Qualifications

    I hope this helps,


    01/23/2018 at 3:09 pm