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Can I donate eggs after tubal ligation?

Can I donate eggs after tubal ligation?

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Passionfruit</span>

    Hello, I am 29 years old, mother of 2. I tied my tubes 3 years ago because it’s enough with 2 children but now I am considering egg donation to get some extra money, can you donate after tubal ligation? I guess I can’t…

    Thank you.

    07/09/2017 at 6:39 pm
  2. Dear Passionfruit,

    Yes, you can donate eggs as if you didn’t have your tubes tied. Egg retrieval is done before the oocytes are released by the body, so having the tubes tied or not is irrelevant because you still produce eggs.

    Recommended for you: Requirements to donate eggs.

    I hope this helps,

    Best wishes

    07/10/2017 at 2:33 pm
  3. Hi, dear you are great. By what you’ll do, you’ll benefit many families. These families are suffering from infertility. Your donation will give them an opportunity to have a baby. I think tubal ligation doesn’t affect your ability to donate. Before doing this, you should have a blood test which reveals your viability of your eggs for donation.

    08/30/2017 at 5:48 pm