Hello there! I’m super excited because today was day 15 post embryo transfer and I got a positive blood pregnancy test! However, I haven’t done an ultrasound yet, so I would like to know whether there’s some way I could possibly find out everything is going as expected… If there are some typical early pregnancy symptoms or something. I actually do not feel anything strange now, maybe a little breast pain, but it’s very mild, is it normal?
And also, is there any way to find out without an ultrasound scan if I have twins or a single baby? I had two embryos transferred, that’s why I’m asking this, and they were grade B and C respectively.
11/26/2015 at 10:44 amDear E. Farris,
Congratulations! After an IVF treatment, nothing can be seen through ultrasound scan until at least week 5-6. By the moment, the only way you can possibly check whether everything is going as expected is by taking another pregnancy test. If it shows higher hCG levels than it showed the first time, then everything is going as expected. This happens to every pregnant woman because hCG levels duplicate after 48-72h. Symptoms, conversely, are not trustable, since each woman shows different symptoms during pregnancy; others don’t even feel anything.
The day you have your ultrasound done, you will be able to see gestational sac size, which is an indicator that everything is going as expected. Finding out whether it is a single or twin pregnancy will be possible that day, too.
See also: Having a baby through egg donation: early pregnancy signs
Hope this helps
12/03/2015 at 4:57 pmHi there, I had 2 embryos from donor eggs transferred on June 19. I took a HPT yesterday and the result was a BFP!!!! 😀 My BHCG was today and the result was 18… are these normal levels or not? I’ve an appointment for another BHCG next Thursday!!! Thank you very much!
06/28/2016 at 11:09 amDear kindergarten99,
Well, this BHCG value is a bit low, and I guess that’s why you have to repeat the test, that is, to study how this figure continues growing or not. Beta-hCG is a hormone only detectable through pregnancy test, and its rates doubles every 2 days from embryo implantation up until month 2-3 of pregnancy.
For this reason, your second bHCG test will let yo know what is the growth pattern of your hCG levels. Keeping in mind that yours is a low level, it may be a chemical pregnancy, that is, fertilization and implantation have occurred but pregnancy is not developing because the embryo hasn’t been able to continue its development.
Check this out to get further information: Beta hCG levels during pregnancy
I hope I have been able to help,
All the best
06/28/2016 at 3:19 pm
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