Hi, I am 35 and have poor quality eggs, I´ve known for a couple of years but wasn’t really interested in being a mom yet. Now I found my person and we want to try and have a baby. He is healthy and I don´t think he will have any problem with his sperm. I know I have to use egg donation but I don´t know how to go about it. Has anyone gone thru the process?? Thnx ?
12/15/2021 at 5:19 pmHi Sophia, I am interested in knowing too, I´ve had 5 failed IVF and they told me I should try with egg donors… I guess my eggs don´t stick. I’m kinda bummed I can´t have my genetic kids but right now I’m just really hoping to have a baby, WE GOT THIS!!!
12/15/2021 at 5:23 pmI so get you, I was so nervous when they told me I couldn´t get pregnant because of my eggs but I trusted my doctors and was able to get pregnant with my beautiful baby boys so you can do this!! Sending love
12/15/2021 at 5:44 pm