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Unexplained infertility and egg donation in Ukraine

Unexplained infertility and egg donation in Ukraine

  1. candygirl

    Hi! I’m diagnosed with unexplained infertility. I had several IVFs. Both of them ended with a BFN. Now the doctors advise me to try egg donation. However, this procedure isn’t allowed in the country where I live at present. I’m from Germany. I have already read some information where egg donation can be done: Spain, Poland, the UK, Russia, Ukraine and etc. I’m especially interested in getting information about Ukraine. I know that this country is especially popular among infertile pairs, so I want to meet someone who went to get their egg donation program in this country.

    08/15/2016 at 4:28 pm
  2. Dear candygirl,

    In Ukraine, egg donation is an allowed fertility treatment in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Ukrainian Family Code and Civil Procedural Code, as well as the Law of Ukraine “Basis of Legislation of Ukraine about Health Care”.

    Prior to the performance of the IVF treatment, the prospective mother has to sign a written consent authorizing to do so. You will be allowed to access fertility care as long as you are a full-aged woman, and donor oocytes are required for medical reasons.

    You will find more information here: Guide to egg donation in Ukraine.

    If you wish to get estimates from Ukrainian fertility clinics, my advice is that you fill in our form. By doing so, you can get detailed estimates from various clinics according to your own personal situation, age, geographical location, etc. Here’s the link to the form: Estimates.

    If you want to get information on egg donation in other European countries, here are some links that may be of interest:

    Egg donation in Spain
    Egg donation in Russia
    Egg donation in Greece
    Egg donation in the Czech Republic
    Egg donation in Cyprus

    Should you have any further doubts, do not hesitate to ask.

    I hope I have been able to help,

    Best wishes

    08/16/2016 at 11:09 am
  3. Hi, I’m sorry to read this. I was in the same boat with you. Here’s some of my beckaground. I’m 39 yrs old. Had jad 2 cycles IVF with ex (he had low sperm quality). Among others, the dreaded thing was that my right ovary never responded to treatments. AMH is very low – 3%. Dr told us using donor egg would be the next step. We’ve done a huge research on the issue. And finally chose ukrainian clinics.

    01/17/2019 at 9:49 am
  4. We are planning surrogacy in Ukraine. We already consulted with local doctors. I have unexplained infertility too, but my husband really wants to have a baby. We are from the USA. This procedure is very expensive here. We have already found a good surrogate mother. Hope everything will be OK.

    01/24/2019 at 12:01 pm
    • Oh hi NoraOne!
      We are also from the US. And we are in the middle of the surrogacy program in Ukraine as well.
      Glad to know that there are more couples like us. How are you doing?
      We have made some progress since JAN.

      04/27/2019 at 7:43 am
  5. Hello ladies,

    we also consider egg donation either Ukraine or Russia. We are still analyzing which location fits best. Maybe you could tell me something about your experiences over there,
    Thank you.

    01/30/2020 at 12:09 pm