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Egg donation or PGD to prevent the transmission of a genetic disease?

Egg donation or PGD to prevent the transmission of a genetic disease?

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">MarathonLaufen</span>

    Hello, I’ve got a specific genetic abnormality likely to be inherited by my offspring, to be precise my chances are as high as 50%. After visiting various fertility clinics the possible solutions are either IVF with PGD and select the healthiest embryos or go straight to egg donation, in which case we would automatically rule out any chance for our children to be born with some genetic abnormality. This is a big deal for us, because my ovarian reserve is starting to decline due to my age.

    Could you help me out? Thanksss!!

    02/02/2016 at 3:09 pm
  2. Dear MarathonLaufen,

    If you choose IVF with PGD, you will be biological mother of the baby. Of course, only healthy embryos will be used after being selected and analyzed to rule out the presence of any genetic disorder. In general, IVF success rates range from around 40% per cycle. However, you should take into account that these figure is reduced by half if the woman presents a declining ovarian reserve. Besides, you’ll have less attempts keeping in mind that viable embryos will be less after PGD.

    As for egg donation, the eggs have been donated by donors who have previously gone through a thorough genetic screening before being accepted into the egg donation program. In such screening process, they are analyzed to confirm whether they are free from any genetic disease. Donor egg success rates usually reach around 60% per cycle, but the main setback in this case is that the baby-to-be won’t have your genetic code.

    My advice is that you visit an specialist to seek further information on this matter and help you consider all the pros and cons of both procedures. He/she will recommend you the best option according to your medical history, the results obtained after doing a series of tests and analyses, etc.

    I hope I have been able to help,

    Best wishes

    02/10/2016 at 4:51 pm
  3. Definitely a useful option to try out! It’s known that PGD tests are not only for genetic diseases. But they are also done for chromosomal abnormalties. The older we are the higher the % of our embies are going to be chromosomally abnormal. Most of these abnormalties are fatal and end in a MC. Some like Trisomy 21 may result in a viable birth..I’m saying all this just because I strongly recommend you going through this procedure.

    01/07/2020 at 5:27 pm