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Egg pick-up this week but my recipients have pulled out

Egg pick-up this week but my recipients have pulled out

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">dianne birdy</span>
    dianne birdy

    Hello ladies, this is not a question but just a chance to share my story… I’m at the end of my cycle, triggering my ovaries at the moment. Egg pick-up is next Thursday 24th of March but today my clinic announced that my recipients have pulled out because they decided they didn’t like the chances of success… I’m terribly devastated right now and besides I’ve got a belly full of eggs which have no recipient… I don’t know what to do. I’m from Australia.

    03/22/2016 at 3:20 pm
  2. Hello dianne,

    I’m so sorry to hear that, but the good news is that you have options in spite of that. You can contact an egg bank and ask them if you can donate your eggs to them or you can ask your clinic if they have another couple or couples that could use your eggs for their IVF treatment.

    If neither of these options is possible, you can freeze your eggs by means of egg vitrification up until a recipient couple needs them.

    I hope I have been able to help,


    04/07/2016 at 3:33 pm
  3. Hi everyone,

    I’m sorry for you, dianne. In my case I’m 3 weeks into my hormone injections, egg retrieval scheduled for next Wednesday… I’m currently in West Hollywood.This is the most amazing to me, honestly. Word’s cannot express how happy I am… Just for the fact that I’m able to do this 4 someone!! Hoping to be able to donate eggs again after this ovum pick-up… if someone needs them, of course.

    If someone knows about someone who may be interested… please refer them to me 😉

    Good luck to all of you! You guys are amazing!

    09/05/2016 at 10:58 am