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Eligibility for sperm donation

Eligibility for sperm donation

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Sam Reynolds</span>
    Sam Reynolds

    Hello, I’m Sam. I’m really considering becoming a sperm donor… You know, I really need the money and I don’t see why I can’t have a try, can’t I? Anybody ever did this? Just let me know. I’ve just turned 30 this year. I don’t smoke, drink alcohol, take drugs or any other toxic substance (I don’t smoke weed either). I’m healthy, I don’t suffer from any significant illness or condition, and I don’t have a family history of genetic disorders. If it’s somewhat important, I’m adopted and I’ve got African features, since I come from Cameroon. But this is not a problem, is it? I mean, being adopted and all that stuff. Just let me know, please.

    10/08/2015 at 7:56 am
  2. Dear Sam,

    Thanks for getting involved. I give you basic requirements for sperm donors:

    1. Age: 18-45
    2. Health status: No significant illnesses or conditions
    3. Individual who is not adopted
    4. No family history of genetic diseases
    5. Ability and willingness to fulfill a minimum of 6-month commitment
    6. Ability and willingness to produce sperm 4-8 times per month

    Therefore, as you may see, if you were adopted, you won’t be accepted as a sperm donor because accessing the medical history of your biological parents is impossible.

    I recommend you to read some of the following articles about this topic to delve deeper into it:


    Hope this helps

    10/08/2015 at 6:06 pm
  3. Hello,

    I’ve heard there are lots of requirements and tests to pass before you ever become a sperm donor. I’ve even heard you must have a bachelor’s degree to be accepted, because your educational level matters a lot in this process. Anyway, I think this is a great way to get a check up if you don’t have a health insurance hahaha At least here, in the US. What do you think? Apart from that, I don’t see it worth the try, I mean… women get far more money for doing it than men, so what’s the point?

    10/10/2015 at 12:12 pm