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Embryoscope reviews, is it worth it to use it?

Embryoscope reviews, is it worth it to use it?

  1. komo

    I’m wondering if it is useful to pay to optional embryoscope monitoring ?!!

    06/12/2018 at 10:51 am
  2. Hello komo,

    Well, the EmbryoScope can be a highly beneficial technique if it’s actually required. Let me tell you about the advantages of using it.

    The EmbryoScope works by taking pictures of the embryos after fertilization every 5 minutes. The images obtained are strung together to create a small time lapse movie that allows the embryologist to see the time frame where development occurs with accuracy. In other words, thanks to the EmbryoScope, embryologists can monitor the cell divisions that occur in each embryo while the embryo is still in the incubator.

    EmbryoScope can help an embryologist predict the potential chromosomal abnormalities of embryos and the pregnancy (implantation) potential of each. To sum up, it offers valuable information about the embryo, such as its potential to survive the transfer and implantation processes.

    However, the EmbryoScope is not suitable for all IVF patients. In general, the chance of getting successful result is higher in patients who produce a large number of embryos to choose from. Evidence has also shown that the EmbryoScope can increase the chances for achieving an ongoing pregnancy.

    Using it or not is up to you and you should consider it carefully. Keep in mind that it can increase the overall cost of the treatment considerably, but the results are always worth it.

    I hope I have been able to help,

    Best wishes

    06/12/2018 at 1:10 pm
  3. EmbryoScope is a special incubator, a controlled environment, which helps to maintain the necessary physiological conditions for an embryo to survive. It gives more precise information on how each embryo is growing and therefore allows the best- quality embryo/s to be chosen for transfer. Standard IVF involves embryos being removed a handful of times for monitoring. This potentially puts them at risk from nasties in the outside world. EmbryoScope keeps the embryos undisturbed in environment. Noone can say for sure how beneficial EmbryoScope really is for IVF patients. But at the moment it looks reasonably promising. Still let’s talk money. EmbryoScope costs around £700 in the UK. It maybe a little more in some clinics. Some providers include its use in the package price which is nice. But the final decision on whether to use it or no is always individual. We usually got a good number of eggs. But once fertilised, they developed poorly and slow. we tried it to see if our embryos would grow better without getting taken out once a day for the scientists to look at. We got bfp but cannot say for sure this was due to EmbryoScope using..

    06/24/2018 at 11:53 am