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Experience with Santa Barbara Fertility Center

Experience with Santa Barbara Fertility Center

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">wonderwall</span>

    Hi all!

    I’m looking for some opinions about Santa Barbara Fertility Center since I can’t find much of information on the Internet. How was your fertility treatment there? What are their success rates? Do you guys think it would be realistic to get pregnant in the first round?

    I should mention that I have PCOS. What treatment would be best for me? How do I find out?

    08/15/2020 at 11:43 am
  2. Hi wonderwall,

    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder that affects female fertility directly by causing irregular menstrual periods and anovulation. This is the reason why women with PCOS have greater difficulties for achieving pregnancy naturally.

    In some cases, recovering fertility is possible by just modifying lifestyle habits, or inducing ovulation with medication. Other women have no alternative but to undergo Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) to have children. Read everything about possible fertility treatment options for PCOS here: Can I get pregnant with PCOS?

    Since you requested the IVF success rates of Santa Barbara Fertility Center, I invite you to have a look at their clinic profile. You’ll find information about services offered, reviews, and success rates, among other things. Just click here: Clinic profile of Santa Barbara Fertility Center.

    You can also access our fertility report– a tool, which is completely free of charge that helps you calculate your possible fertility treatment options. Besides, you’ll get a list of fertility centers in your preferred area, a cost estimate, and much more.

    Hope this helps,

    wish you all the best.

    08/16/2020 at 5:46 pm
    • Hi Romina!

      thank you so much. I already have filled out my report, really useful. Also thanks for providing me with the clinic’s success rates. Actually, doesn’t sound so bad, I think I’ll schedule a visit.

      08/18/2020 at 10:51 pm
    • Hi wonderwall…

      How are you doing? Have you scheduled an appointment, already? If so, I would love to exchange with you. I’m considering fertility treatment and I’m currently looking into different fertility centers. Please tell me how your first visit was.

      08/25/2020 at 4:55 pm
    • Hi Marina,

      People with infertility issues, either due to infertility problems in the partner, single women or lesbian couples, have no alternative but to turn to Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) to fulfill their dream: becoming parents.

      It is the first step of a long journey that, depending on each patient and what is causing infertility, can even take several years. For this reason, choosing the right fertility center for you is crucial. Since you’re planning on visiting different fertility centers, I invite you to read our Guide: Things to Consider to Choose the Right Fertility Clinic for You.

      Hope this is of use,

      Wish you all the best.

      08/26/2020 at 12:02 pm