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First IVF success stories

First IVF success stories

  1. Kemina

    Hey Ladies. Well my husband and I are starting the in-vitro process now. I am now taking birth control for one month prior to IVF. I have the mock transfer scheduled for 8/14 and that same week we have a consult with the doctor to show us how to do the injections properly. Right now our actual egg retrieval is scheduled for 9-20 and the transfer 9-23. I’m so excited, nervous, anxious and scared all at the same time. We had iui done last month and it failed so we have decided to move on to IVF due to the much higher success rate. Just praying it work

    09/28/2017 at 6:45 am
  2. Dear Kemina Stha,

    Thanks for creating this topic! I wish you all the luck in the world 🙂

    See you soon

    09/28/2017 at 11:32 am
  3. Hi! Let me introduce myself… I’m Chan, 26 years old, diagnose with PCOS… and this is my IVF story.

    My husband is older than me but fortunately has no infertility issue (a bit sluggish, but not an issue in principle). Soooo… after 2 years of overthinking and TTC unsuccessfully, we’ve moved on to IVF and here we are! This is our first attempt and our knowledge on IVF are quite limited, so anything you can add will be highly appreciated! C’mon! Join me and us!

    See you soon!

    12/14/2017 at 4:12 pm
    • Hey Chan, my name is Yu located in Bangkok.

      I have helped dozen of family through IVF in the last 4 years.
      May I ask have you done a proper infertility workup? Are you currently undergoing IVF? Stimulation? If yes, what is your dose and medication for stimulation?

      Sorry to hear that 2 year long quest didn’t work out for you.

      May I know your BMI? I have went through a few patients with PCOS but with a few months of lifestyle change such as exercise and good diet. You are still very young, hormone can be adjusted, taking birth control pills prior to IVF would be ideal.

      When you were diagnosed with PCOS did the doctor advised you to take any medications to lower insulin levels and testosterone? If not than you should look into these two medications Metformin & Clomifene (Clomid), it should improve your menstruation to be more regular, improve the quality of your ovarian reserve. By the way have your husband done Sperm Analysis?

      Hope to hear from you Chan


      Theeraphong (Yu) Chaiyasuk

      12/14/2017 at 4:47 pm
  4. I understand your feelings. My husband and I got married really early. And we didn’t expect that we would have a problem to conceive a child. We were tested by numerous fertility specialists. I was in a real depression at that time. And one of them suggested trying IVF procedure. Unfortunately, we almost spent our savings at that time. Thus, we started to look for some clinic in post-Soviet countries because of the price. I hope that IVF will work in your situation.

    05/23/2018 at 1:17 pm
  5. Don’t worry Keminastha, Don’t worry your IVF treatment will be successful. Stay positive and stress free so that treatment works well. I know one couple who got child after 35 years of their marriage. Yes, success rate is good enough with IVF treatment.

    05/29/2018 at 7:59 am
  6. Thought I can officially relate to the thread. We’ve just undergone ivf shot with donor egg. I’m 39 yrs old. We did pass 2 ivf cycles with own eggs with my ex. That time we also had a male issue. My ex had low sperm quality. And my right ovary never responded to treatments which is strange enough..Well, things changed. I met my Mr Right. We both wanted kids so much that’s why we started another round ivf. This time went overseas for affordable prices mostly. My AMH test results came in 3% only. Our new Dr told us it won’t do. She adviced turning to donor egg. We didn’t have to look for the perfect donor for long with them. Donor matching process passed quickly so soon we could start the program itself. They placed back 2 nice 5day embies during ET. I got bfp, currently waiting for the scan date. So, on the whole this was our 3rd attempt of treatments. But this was actually ivf#1 with donor egg successful. Wishing everyone her babydust. GL to all of you, lovelies!

    06/24/2018 at 11:40 am
  7. There are clinics, which want to make the IVF treatment a win-win situation. They offer something called a money back guarantee programme. You pay for a certain number of cycles. For example 5 IVF cycles. And if you do not get pregnant within those 5 cycles, they give you back your money. This is a wonderful option, which could help you preserve your peace of mind. At least as regards the financial aspect. So before starting an IVF cycle make sure that your clinic has such an option and ask them whether you qualify for such a programme.

    10/12/2018 at 11:09 am