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High hCG levels after a 2 blastocyst embryo transfer

High hCG levels after a 2 blastocyst embryo transfer

  1. Dimitranor

    Hello, I’m totally confused and freaked out! On May 22nd I had 6days old frozen blastocysts transferred (2). On Friday, June 8th, my beta was 461 and today, June 11th was 853! I am freaking out! Please let me know if I am within the normal ranges..

    06/12/2018 at 1:13 am
  2. Hello Dimitra,

    Considering that you had two embryos transferred, you may be pregnant with twins. hCG levels of between 850 and 20800 mIU/ml indicate 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. But considering that you had the embryos transferred on May 22nd, you’re not 5-6 weeks pregnant, that’s why your levels are considerably elevated.

    Unfortunately, you cannot get a confirmation of a multiple pregnancy until you go for the first ultrasound scan, which will be able to confirm that you are indeed pregnant with multiples.

    This post may be helpful in the meantime: What Are Normal hCG Hormone Levels during Pregnancy?

    I hope I have been able to help,

    Best regards

    06/12/2018 at 8:46 am