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How many sperm do you need for ICSI?

How many sperm do you need for ICSI?

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Alice Guest</span>
    Alice Guest

    Hi, my husband’s MSC results show 0.4 million sperm/ml and recommend us to go for ICSI due to severe oligospermia. My question is whether there is a minimum sperm count to perform an ICSI, and if we can include ourselves there. Likewise, the semen analysis also shows a high percentage of abnormal sperm morphology… therefore, do we have to deduct that percentage from the MSC results? Or in the MSC those sperm have already been ruled out?


    02/16/2016 at 10:31 am
  2. Hello Alice,

    for an ICSI, it is only required that a single viable sperm per egg retrieved by means of follicular puncture is obtained. Of course, the higher the amount of sperm is, the better the selection will be done, although ICSI is also possible when very severe oligospermia is detected.

    MSC shows the amount of motile sperm per ejaculate, including sperm whose morphology is abnormal. Later, a biologist will analyze this sample under the microscope in order to analyze those presenting the best morphology and motility, which is to say, the healthiest sperm.

    I hope I have been able to help,


    02/26/2016 at 12:28 pm
  3. No one knows the exact number of cycles needed. Still I think the 1st round chances are not bad as you’re using donor sperm which must be super healthy. Another question is your condition, the way your body feels about the procedure. If it’s agreed this is sperm issue only than going to donor sperm is going to be useful for you, but for your partner…hm. This definitely doesn’t contribute to his self esteem..I’m sorry for saying this but this is just like the things are..Your dr is the best guide through all this.

    12/09/2019 at 9:01 am