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How soon to take a pregnancy test after IUI?

How soon to take a pregnancy test after IUI?

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Luisa</span>


    I’m about to have my first IUI cycle… I’d like to know how long I’m supposed to wait until I can take a pregnancy test afterwards?

    07/03/2020 at 8:00 am
  2. Hi Luisa,

    after an IUI, it takes 6 go 12 days for a fertilized egg to implant and another 2 to 3 days for the pregnancy hormone hCG to develop. This is why patients should wait at least 14 days after insemination in order to avoid false positives or false negatives, respectively. This period is therefore known as the two-week wait. Read more about this fase here: When should I test for pregnancy after fertility treatment?

    Hope this answers your question,

    Best regards

    07/03/2020 at 10:12 am