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I am considering a repeat egg donor, is it possible?

I am considering a repeat egg donor, is it possible?

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">peggy thomas</span>
    peggy thomas


    Wondering if anybody can help me out! You see, I did an donor-egg IVF two years ago and I obtained enough embryos as to do 3 ETs. I am so thankful to God ever since since I got pregnant on my last attempt! But now I don’t have more embryos and I’d like to start another treatment to have a second baby 🙂 Could I use a repeat egg donor now? I mean, the same woman I used then. It would be great!

    Thank you very much for your help


    11/12/2015 at 12:36 pm
  2. Dear peggy thomas,

    You can use a repeat egg donor in your egg donor IVF cycle as long as the woman who was your donor then continues to be so nowadays. If she has a good record, there should be no problem.

    Thus, I recommend you to contact the fertility clinic or egg donor agency where you did your first IVF cycle and ask them for this possibility. There is also the chance that they have frozen eggs from this egg donor, in which case you could perform a frozen embryo transfer. If this wasn’t possible in the end, you will be matched with a similar donor according to your physical characteristics.

    Hope this helps

    11/13/2015 at 1:08 pm