last January, 8th I took 2 pregnancy tests and both were positive.
Next Saturday I took a blood pregnancy test and it was again positive… that’s why I visited my OB/GYN and after a transvaginal ultrasound she said I was 7 weeks pregnant according to the starting date of the last period, which was on November, 19th.
But right after the ultrasound, she said my gestational sac was too small, as if it was that of a 5-week pregnancy and nothing else could be seen… She told me to do some tests for the detection of the hCG hormone and, if it wasn’t 3 times higher after 2 days… I would have no choice but to stop my pregnancy. Does it really work this way? I still haven’t had the chance to enjoy the feeling of finally being pregnant!!
01/13/2016 at 7:07 amDear Lucy,
my advice now is that you should test again for pregnancy (blood pregnancy test) to check whether your pregnancy is likely to get ahead or not.
Keep in mind that hCG levels rise every 48 hours approximately: if it does not follow this pattern, I’m afraid it indeed means that your pregnancy has stopped and you are likely to miscarry. This is called “embryonic arrest”.
The reason why your doctor asked you to do those test is because at the moment she is not sure whether it is a case of slow embryo growth or embryonic arrest. Thus, my advice is this: be prudent and wait for the result of your blood pregnancy test.
The following post may be of interest: Beta hCG levels during pregnancy.
I hope I have been able to help,
01/14/2016 at 4:26 pmHi Doc.
How are you today?
Well, I need your kind advise urgently.
The last time I wrote you was 31st March on the general forum page, which I told you I had my PT done both Urine and Blood and all confirmed positive. (day 5 ET (6BA and 3BC) on 8th March).
Also, I told you I had some cramps under my abdonmen which you confirmed it might be pregnancy symptoms but if painful I should contact my Gyn.
Anyways, the pain is NOT painful, but I had some little brownish charge last weekend that lasted for 2-3 days (Very little droplets).
So I went to for transvaginal ultrasound as advised by my gyn on Saturday 2nd April. But my Gyn told me the gestational sac was too small (8mm), she advised that I repeat same ultrasound in a weeks time which is going to be this Friday 8th or 9th April.
Please can you advise me on what is going on with me?
Standing by for your kind and swift response as usual.
04/04/2016 at 5:42 pmDear Goldfish,
a gestational sac smaller than normal may be an indicator that there is some issue with your pregnancy, that fetal development is not taking place as expected or that it may be a case of anembryonic pregnancy. We’ll have to wait up until your next ultrasound scan to see how it is developing and whether the embryo can be seen or not.
I hope you can share your results with us.
Best wishes!
04/05/2016 at 9:15 am
Hi Doc,
Thanks for your reply…I appreciate your swift response.
Am sorry I disturb you a lot, but I do not know who to talk to apart from my Gyn.
Ehmmmm… Today I got some pinkish kind of blood flowing though not heavy but I have some menstrual-kind of pain below my abdomen.
Please can you advise what is going on?
I am just confused here…
Standing by for your very kind and swift response as usual.
Thank you
04/05/2016 at 12:09 pmHello again Goldfish,
how are you today? That menstrual-kind of pain below your abdomen and the pinkish discharge are common pregnancy symptoms. Discharge may be still some embryo implantation bleeding.
In principle, there is no reason to worry, I am afraid we cannot get further details until you have your second ultrasound done. My advice is that you try to keep your mind busy these days, as stress is not good for your health now.
04/05/2016 at 12:13 pm
Hi dear. I am sorry to hear about your problem. You need support now from family and friends, especially your husband. His support will help you get over the problem and will give you the courage to fight the problem too. I faced the same problem but my husband stood by me in that period that helped me a lot. I will suggest you don’t panic and consult an expert gynecologist. Make a proper diet and follow it strictly. Try to have food enrich with iron as much as possible to increase your hemoglobin level. Do light exercises to keep the blood circulation good. Avoid smoking & alcohol as much as you can. I hope the tips I gave you will work and soon you will give birth to a beautiful and healthy child. My best wishes and prayers are for you.
09/09/2017 at 2:32 pmI am feeling pity and pain regarding your serious problem lose baby. You can easily handle this difficult situation with positive attitude towards life. I am here for you to provide valuable information to overcome this difficult situation on behalf of my personal life experience to defeat this horrible demon in my marriage life. You need not panic about this difficult situation. Today we are living in medical research based world that has capacity to provide real value of time and money with healthy baby to overcome miscarriage possibility in early stage.
I can understand your physical and mental stage at this time. It is universal fact that stress and depression are responsible for miscarriage. You should understand your body signal to overcome this horrible problem to maintain your body hormone level in balance. You can overcome stress in life with powerful yoga and meditation to provide full relaxation with proper balance in your body and mind. You should consume rich that enhance your blood hemoglobin level to create win-win situation to defeat this difficult situation in medical way. It is right time to adopt proper sitting and sleeping way to overcome miscarriage possibility in your life that is beneficial for you and your baby in many ways. You can start your planning from day first with morning walk and easy exercise to provide proper blood supply to reproduction system for genuine working. I hope you get this horrible problem with sufficient routine work like me. I am waiting for your reply to hear good news on that fulfill your happy marriage life with endless brightness.09/16/2017 at 11:29 am