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Does IUI work on the first try?

Does IUI work on the first try?

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">BABYDUST</span>

    Hey girls! On Sept 16th 2017 i did my first iui and i’m freaking out to be honest… i’ve been noticing symptoms like breast pain and nausea ever since and i honestly think it did work! but I don’t wanna get too excited… cos i still don’t know for sure… i’ve many doubts… for example, i’ve never spotted or something many people say, but i wanna make sure if it’s absolutely necessary to spot or bleed when the embryo implants to make sure that’s a pregnancy. I did a preggo test but i wanna know how accurate are home pregnancy tests because i did it yesterday and it came out negative but i really believe i’m pregnant for god’s shake… i know i shouldn’t have done it but as i said anxiety is killing me… now i’m very sad because i really believe i was expecting…

    10/02/2017 at 9:07 am
  2. Dear BABYDUST,

    It’s normal for you to feel anxious for finding out if you’re actually pregnant if this is your first IUI attempt and that you’ve got many questions to ask. That’s what this forum is created for! 🙂

    My advice is that you’re patient, and do not try to “guess” the results, as I’m afraid to tell you that it’s useless… The only way to find out if you’re actually pregnant or not is by doing a pregnancy test at the right moment, as instructed by your doctor.

    See also: After Artificial Insemination… What’s Next?

    This topic may be helpful as well: False-positive result after artificial insemination.

    I wish you lots of luck!


    12/14/2017 at 9:15 am