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IVF failed, could hydrosalpinx be the cause?

IVF failed, could hydrosalpinx be the cause?

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">laura azalea</span>
    laura azalea

    Hi, I was diagnosed bilateral hydrosalpinx and 6 months later I went for a vaginal U/S for my own peace of mind. She said my tubes weren’t filled with fluid so there was no need for tubal ligation. Last week I did an IVF and the outcome is negative. Do you think my tubes are the reason behind IVF failure or what is going on?

    04/18/2016 at 9:37 am
  2. Dear Laura,

    The Fallopian tubes are the ducts that connect the ovary with the uterus. It is the place where the egg-sperm binding takes place to give rise to an embryo, which will later travel through the uterine cavity in order to attach to the endometrium and give raise to a new pregnancy.

    If the tubes are blocked or filled with fluid, the natural fusion between the egg and the sperm cannot take place. However, with IVF this process takes place outside the female body, that is, in the laboratory. This is the reason why the health status of a woman’s Fallopian tubes is unimportant.

    To help you understand this, it is as if we skipped this step that takes place in the tubes (because it is done in a laboratory) and go straight to the step in which the uterus is involved, since the embryos created in the laboratory will be later transferred to the mother’s womb, waiting for embryo implantation to occur.

    To sum up, the negative outcome you got after your IVF cycle is not related to hydrosalpinx but to other problems which have to be further analyzed in order to prevent this from happening ever again.

    I hope I have been able to help,


    04/20/2016 at 4:32 pm
  3. My doctor at a fertility clinic explained us the following. Hydrosalpinx is the name for a condition in which a woman’s fallopian tube becomes blocked with fluid. There are different causes for this condition and symptoms can vary depending on the individual. Some women do not experience any symptoms, but hydrosalpinx can have a severe impact on fertility. Symptoms of hydrosalpinx include: Abdominal and pelvic pain;Unusual vaginal discharge.
    During conception, the egg travels from an ovary along the fallopian tube to the uterus. Hydrosalpinx causes the fallopian tube to become blocked with fluid, so the egg cannot pass down the tube. Also, the fimbria that help to draw the egg from the ovary into the tubes can become stuck together. If only one fallopian tube is blocked, it is still possible to conceive without intervention, as eggs from the other ovary will still be able to make it to the uterus. There is also a chance that the fluid buildup could leak into the uterus and interfere with the embryo implanting itself properly. There are several different reasons why hydrosalpinx may occur. The most common causes include:
    Sexually transmitted infections; Endometriosis; Pelvic inflammatory disease; ruptured appendicitus. When an area of the body suffers an injury, the body quickly transports inflammatory cells into the area as part of an immune response. In a fallopian tube, the inflamation and healing can cause loss of the fimbria and the eventual closure of the tube.
    Quite a serious issue, surely.

    05/24/2019 at 12:04 pm