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IVF treatment for lesbian couples on NHS

IVF treatment for lesbian couples on NHS

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Kate3</span>


    We are a lesbian couple from Cardiff, UK. We want to have a baby, but we don’t know which pregnancy options do we have to have a baby. We’d like to know whether the National Health System (NHS) covers any fertility treatment for lesbian couples, because we’ve heard artificial insemination is offered when there are severe conditions, for example.

    Anyhow, let us know if possible.

    Kind regards,


    11/20/2015 at 1:37 pm
  2. Dear Kate,

    The NHS offers gay health services, including fertility treatments for lesbians, gay men and bisexuals wishing to become parents. In particular, 4 options are included within the services offered by the NHS:

    1. Donor insemination
    2. Co-parenting
    3. Adoption
    4. Surrogacy

    As for donor insemination, it is included within the artificial insemination program on the NHS, where it is indicated in the following cases:

    – When you are unable or find it very difficult to have vaginal sex
    – When you have a condition that means you need help to get pregnant
    – When you are in a same-sex relationship

    However, the availability of AI on the NHS varies throughout the United Kingdom, since the waiting list can be very long in some areas of the country and the criteria that must be met to be eligible may vary as well. Costs vary from £500 to £1,000 for each cycle of treatment.

    You will find further information by clicking the following links:

    Gay health: having children
    Artificial insemination on the NHS

    Best wishes

    11/25/2015 at 12:48 pm