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Keeping donor eggs a secret or not?

Keeping donor eggs a secret or not?

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Tat Rivers-Perkins</span>
    Tat Rivers-Perkins

    Hello everybody!

    I will start my IVF cycle next December, but I need to use donor eggs and I’m still looking for a donor… This news is kinda new for me and I’m a bundle of nerves by now, since I don’t know too much about the process… Anyhow, I’m sure I need to share it with some people apart from by husband, because I need to express myself or I’ll burst!!!! So despite I know egg donation is not fully acceptable for many people, I’ve told some close friends, but of course I told them to keep it a secret… I know many people in my neighborhood see egg donation as a tragedy, given that my baby-to-be won’t have my blood, for example, but I know I’ll be the one carrying the pregnancy to term, so I don’t see the point…

    Anyway, I’d be so grateful if you could give me tips about it or share your personal experiences, for my own peace of mind.


    10/29/2015 at 7:47 pm
  2. Dear Tat,

    My advice is always that you should share it with everyone you wish to; moreover, there is no reason to keep it a secret. Egg donation is a very common fertility treatment that many women undergo. All in all, thanks to it many healthy children have born and are now happily growing up at homes from everywhere 🙂

    There is no reason to be ashamed because of using donor eggs. In fact, the way in which you see it has an impact on the way in which your child will see it, too. Therefore, if you pass along love and reassurance to your child, the feelings that she or he will develop will be equal.

    The following topic may be of interest: Telling your child about egg donation.

    Wishing you all the best

    10/30/2015 at 10:44 am
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