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Kinesiology tape for sciatica pain during pregnancy

Kinesiology tape for sciatica pain during pregnancy

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">BlessedMom</span>

    Hello ladies, I’m 26 weeks pregnant with twins and lately I’ve had terrible sciatica nerve pain to the point that my leg LITERALLY gives out while I’m walking… Besides, my back has been hurting a lot as well. I tried a traditional belly brace to support my back and to help me with the pain, but honestly it’s too stiff for my job. A friend told me to use kinesiology tape as a pain reliever, but I’m not sure whether it’ll work, would you recommend it? Thank you.

    04/20/2016 at 1:07 pm
  2. Dear BlessedMomToBe,

    Many women see a whole lot of benefits in using kinesiology tape during pregnancy, especially if it’s a twin one. As it increases pressure, they feel their belly more supported, especially at night when they are lying on the bed.

    Kinesiology tape can literally create a sling around your belly in order to help you evenly distribute its weight. This helps pregnant women reduce the fatigue of carrying around some extra pounds.

    Kinesio tape is waterproof, a feature that makes it highly comfortable for pregnant women as they can wear it for around 4-5 days before having to re-apply it.

    I hope I have been able to help,

    All the best

    04/21/2016 at 3:52 pm
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