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Mild asthenozoospermia and natural conception

Mild asthenozoospermia and natural conception

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Anonymous</span>

    Doctor; can I conceive naturally? My semen report is as follows.
    Volume 4ml
    Liquification time 30 minutes
    Sperm count 27m/ml
    Active 30%
    Sluggish 45%
    Immotile 25%
    Normal formed 60%
    PH 8.5

    06/27/2018 at 7:18 am
  2. Hello ayaz,

    All parameters are OK except motility, which is a bit poor. For sperm motility to be normal, at least 40% of sperm must be active. In your case, the semen analysis shows that only 30% are active, which is not too concerning as the rest of values are normal. In these cases, results may be improved with healthy habits and a balanced diet.

    Read more: What Is Asthenozoospermia?

    I hope I have been able to help,


    06/27/2018 at 9:22 am
    • Thank you so much dear Sandra F.

      06/28/2018 at 3:00 pm
    • One more question dear Sandra,
      If I usually have intercourse on the 10th to 20th day of menstrual cycle on a daily basis, will I be able to make my wife pregnant? Can daily intercourse harm my sperm count or quality? Please, give me some advice in this regard.

      06/28/2018 at 3:19 pm
    • Hello ayaz,

      Of course having sex during the fertile window of the woman is totally recommended to increase the chances of pregnancy, especially if you’re trying to conceive. Having intercourse daily does not affect your sperm count, so don’t worry about it. However, given that you have mild asthenozoospermia, it may take you longer.

      How long have you been trying to conceive so far? After one year trying without luck, you should visit a fertility specialist and consider undergoing a fertility treatment to conceive.

      Best regards

      06/28/2018 at 3:39 pm
    • Thank you so much dear Sandra F.
      I have been trying to conceive for the last 5 months but no conception happened. Every month my wife has her periods.

      06/28/2018 at 5:25 pm
    • Hello Dear Doctor Sandra F,
      How are you?
      I again repeat my semen test yesterday from another lab, please see results and let me know is it normal?

      Semen Volume 4ml
      Colour Greyish white
      Liquification Time 30 min
      pH 7.5
      Fructose Positive
      Total sperm count 30 mill/ ml
      Sperm per ejaculation 120 mill
      Percentage motile sperm 65%
      Rapid linear progression 20%
      Slow/non linear progression 50%
      Non progressive 30%
      Normal forms 35%
      Small oval 15%
      Tapering 20%

      09/26/2018 at 5:40 am
  3. Hello, can someone solve my query?
    I got my 1st semen analysis yesterday
    Volume 1.5 ml
    Count 30 mil/ml
    Viscosity normal
    Motility 50%
    Rapidly progressive 40%
    Viability 00 (I am shocked to see this)
    Normal forms 50
    Abnormal forms 50
    I collected sample at home and then submitted ro lab within 25 mins.
    They started examination after half n hour
    What can be possible causes of 00 viability.
    I am otherwise normal physically. I am on antidepressants since 8 years.
    Can someone give input?
    Thank you in advance.

    07/01/2018 at 3:45 am
    • Dear dishdev,

      In fact, antidepressants can have a negative impact on sperm vitality, so maybe the cause is related to them. In principle, given that all other parameters are okay, you may improve your sperm vitality by making a few lifestyle changes, including a healthier, vitamin-rich diet.

      Talk to your doctor about it.

      I hope this helps,

      Best wishes

      07/16/2018 at 10:31 am
  4. Please can you help me interprète my result? The lab say’s asthenozoospermia

    Concentration million/ml: 32,000,000
    Sperm motility at the first hour
    a = fast and progressive: 05%
    b= slow and progressive: 35%
    c= non-progressive motility: 20%
    d = immobility: 40%
    Sperm vitality: Alive: 73%
    Dead: 27%

    11/04/2022 at 11:41 am
    • Hello Blue.

      Asthenozoospermia is a seminal disorder characterised by a high percentage of immotile or poorly motile sperm.

      The causes of sperm motility problems are diverse: lifestyle, advanced age, fever, exposure to toxins, etc.

      If you are looking for a pregnancy, the best thing to do is to visit a fertility specialist.

      I recommend you read the following article for more information: What is asthenozoospermia? – definition, causes and treatment.

      I hope I have helped you.
      Best regards.

      11/07/2022 at 3:43 pm