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Ovaries triggered by something other than subcutaneous injections

Ovaries triggered by something other than subcutaneous injections

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Bee Williams</span>
    Bee Williams

    Hey! I wanna become an egg donor. I’m currently living in Wheeling, WV and someone told me my ovaries have to be stimulated with subcutaneous injections, but this idea terrifies me because I hate needles and even more if I have to do it every day. Is there any oral alternative for this? Thanksss!!

    02/12/2016 at 9:36 am
  2. Dear Bee,

    ovarian stimulation can only be done through subcutaneous injections for at least 15 days in order to prepare your body for follicular puncture, i.e. egg retrieval. I am afraid nowadays there is no oral alternative available.

    You should keep in mind that becoming an egg donor requires a great effort. With this, I mean that you should weight up the pros and cons of this procedure in order to make up your mind being aware of all the consequences this process involves.

    My advice is that you visit a fertility clinic and ask them any doubt you may have regarding the egg donation process. This might help you make the decision that best fits your needs.

    The following post may be of interest: Egg donation in the USA.

    I hope I have been able to help,


    02/22/2016 at 1:24 pm