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Reciprocal IVF in NYC

Reciprocal IVF in NYC

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Shellsbells</span>


    My wife and I are planning to start a family in 2023. I´ve been reading about reciprocal IVF and it sounds perfect for us. I´ve been looking at the CCRM New York and it looks pretty good but I also like the idea of going somewhere smaller and more personal. How can I find out the best assisted reproduction clinics in New York City? Also, where can I find information on the prices of fertility treatments available?

    Thanks in advance

    09/24/2022 at 6:16 pm
  2. Hi Shelley

    We did it and now have a beautiful baby girl! We had previously tried with IUI at CCRM New York but it didn´t work for us. After a big think we decided we both wanted to be involved, and as I am 10 years older than my partner I carried the pregnancy and she provided the eggs. We used an anonymous donor as we wanted to feel she was just ours. It was a brilliant experience and has brought my girlfriend and I much closer. It took us 2 attempts and a lot of money but it was worth it.

    Good luck with it and let us know how you get on!

    09/24/2022 at 8:53 pm
  3. Hello Shelley

    It is so good that you are doing your research before embarking on your journey. It is always a good idea to know what you are looking for before starting your initial consulation. There are many clinics to chose from and as you rightly say, some are very big and offer a very good, if less personal service. Larger centers can generally offer more specialized techniques and procedures. Smaller clinics can offer the personal touch which is very importan to many patients.

    To help you find the best clinics for you in your area, you can use our clinic directory to read our analyses and opinions on IVF treatments in various New York clinics.

    If you need any more information about choosing a sperm donor then the following article may be interesting for you: Using donated sperm: donor requirements, prices and treatments

    I hope this is useful and good luck on your journey to parenthood!

    09/26/2022 at 12:30 pm