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Repeating all my fertility tests all over again

Repeating all my fertility tests all over again

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Anna Lincoln</span>
    Anna Lincoln

    Hello there, my name is Anna and I’m 36. About 4.5 years ago, I took a series of fertility tests to check my fertility status. It wasn’t because I was trying to conceive, but because someone was conducting a study at university and I decided to help him. Today I’m actually trying to conceive, but I found that I can’t get pregnant after almost a year trying to so so. I don’t understand, because in that moment everything was as it should. Could my fertility has changed after nearly 4 years? Will I have to repeat all the tests all over again?

    02/28/2016 at 9:15 am
  2. Dear Anna,

    female fertility keeps on diminishing over time, as the woman gets older, especially from age 35 onwards and more markedly after the age of 40 up until menopause. This means that yes, the results of your hormone analyses may have changed considerably if compared to those you obtained 4.5 years ago.

    My advice in your case is that you repeat all the tests all over again to determine what is the reason that is your hindering your possibilities of getting pregnant.

    I hope I have been able to help,


    03/16/2016 at 6:03 pm
  3. 4.5 years in the world of fertility is a huge time period. Things might change dramatically within even a year. I’m the vivid example. We passed 2 failed ivf cycles with own eggs with my ex. That time we also had a male issue. My ex had low sperm quality. And my right ovary never responded to treatments.We usually got a good number of eggs. But once fertilised, they developed poorly and slow. We also wanted to try to see if our embryos would grow better without getting taken out once a day for the scientists to look at..Well, to cut long story short together with my new dh we started preparing for ivf#3. But soon figured out my AMH was only 3%!! which wasn’t enough for successful ivf with own eggs. DR told us they won’t do, so we had to move onto donor eggs. There was a huge list of required tests for me and dh to pass before ivf. But I guess this depends on the clinic. So in your case another round of testings will be just useful, surely. All the best of luck!

    06/24/2018 at 2:00 pm