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IVF implantation failure with grade A embryos, why?

IVF implantation failure with grade A embryos, why?

  1. san39

    i am 39 years male.i am from Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. I tested my semen sample in an IVF hospital. After the examination of the semen sample they reported that rapid active sperm was not in it, but slow progressive and non motile were there. My 33year old partner uterus is in perfect condition. I completed an ICSI cycle last month. Three A grade embryos were transferred to her uterus. After day 13 after ET I checked Beta hcg levels but unfortunately the result was only 34.6. Doctor said that it was a negative result. The embryologist reported that Grade A embryos were used for the ICSI procedure. Why did this happen?

    02/17/2018 at 4:57 am
  2. Dear santhosh,

    Good embryo quality is not the only factor to keep in mind when determining whether an IVF treatment is going to work or not. Embryos may not implant mainly for two reasons: 1) their quality is not good, which doesn’t apply to your case; 2) the uterus of the patient, that is, the uterine “environment” is not favorable to embryo implantation.

    Click here to read more: Repeated Implantation Failure – Reasons Why Embryos Don’t Implant.

    I hope this helps,

    Best wishes

    02/19/2018 at 10:31 am
  3. OMG, I’m sorry for that. A-grade embies must have left you in the high of spirits, but failed to implant..I know it’s hard. We did 2 ivf rounds with own eggs. Both failed. But our cases differ much. Now we are going through egg donation. I just wanted to drop in to wish you good luck with your next cycle.

    05/29/2018 at 1:40 pm
  4. The sad truth is that there is no logical explanation for the outcome of an IVF cycle – be it a success or a failure. This is because we are still not intelligent enough to understand the logic beyond the bio-“logical” process that controls embryo development and implantation. Once the embryo is transferred to the uterus, no one knows what happens to it after this– after all, how can we track the fate of a microscopic ball of cells once they are inside the uterine cavity? We cannot predict which embryos will implant and why, and hence we do not know why an IVF cycle fails or succeeds!

    10/12/2018 at 11:18 am