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Should we be concerned?

Should we be concerned?

  1. oneswellguy

    Wife and I have been actively trying for 3.5 years and have never had a positive test. Not even a chemical pregnancy. We have done 5 failed IUIs. We’ve both been tested multiple times and everything always comes back normal. Our fertility doctor keeps saying to just continue trying. Should we be concerned that something is wrong?

    09/22/2022 at 5:56 pm
  2. Hi oneswellguy

    I am sorry to hear you still haven´t managed to get pregnant. I am not sure if you have visited one or more fertlity specialists, but maybe you could try a second opinion to see if a different doctor can pinpoint the problem.

    Unexplained infertility, or idiopathic sterility as it is also known, means that the cause is unknown, but it doesn´t mean there isn’t a problem, more that the problem hasn’t been detected. We have an article on unexplained infertlity which you may find helpful and I leave you the link here: What is Unexplained infertility? – Causes, diagnosis & treatment.

    Finally, and although it seems obvious and easy to say, don´t stress too much or focus. Lots of couples find that when they relax about it and stress levels lower, then nature takes its course and pregnancy is the result.

    I hope this is helpful and wish you the best of luck in your parenthood goal.
    Best wishes

    09/23/2022 at 10:37 am