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Successful surgical termination??

Successful surgical termination??

  1. Mellie

    Hi, I had a surgical termination on 7/31 and went for my 2 week follow up today. My pathology reports from the lab were lost or messed up, they did a urine test and they said negative, am I still pregnant? I was 5 was 4 days when they did it.. I’m worried they caught it and nervous no pathology reports to confirm this. Help

    08/15/2017 at 1:45 am
  2. Dear Mellie,

    If a urine test said that you are not pregnant, there is no reason to worry, as you are not. The chances for you to be pregnant after a surgical abortion are very low. If you are concerned about the results of your pathology report, ask your doctor to repeat it and make sure this time it is not lost or messed up.

    See also:

    Medical abortion with Misoprostol
    3 weeks post medical abortion and positive test

    I hope I have been able to help,


    08/30/2017 at 8:37 am