I am 8 days post my 5dFET. Just a few days after my transfer (of 2 embryos) I had some small brown discharge when I wiped. This only lasted a day. For the past 4-5 days, I have been extremely tired, bloated, backaches, headaches, have had heartburn and a lot of gas. My breasts are sore, as well as having some cramping in my stomach. My blood test is scheduled in 4 days. Could I be experiencing pregnancy symptoms?
05/05/2016 at 6:36 pmDear Annie,
Breast soreness, tiredness, bloating, headache, heartburn, increased gas… are all common post embryo transfer symptoms, and nothing to be concerned. As they appeared a few days after your ET, they are caused by the fertility medications you have been taking lately. Do not worry, as they do not mean your treatment has failed.
As for the small brown discharge, it is usually due to the passage of the catheter through the vagina, and that is the reason why its color is brown, as it is like “old” blood-not an active bleeding.
It is a little bit too early to take the pregnancy test, since you may get a false negative result because in case you are pregnant, hCG levels may not be high enough as to be detectable. Please, wait patiently for your blood test, as this is the only way you will get accurate results. If today or the following days you are still experiencing these symptoms, they may be embryo implantation symptoms.
Best of luck!
05/06/2016 at 10:32 amHi Sandra,
Thanks for the reply. So today, I have more of the brown mucus discharge. Is this ok to see on day 9?
05/06/2016 at 4:26 pmHi again Annie,
Yes, taking into account that it was a blastocyst embryo transfer, if you present some brown discharge/mucus on day 9 post embryo transfer, it may be a very positive sign, as it may be an indicator of embryo implantation.
Best wishes!
05/10/2016 at 9:07 am
I got my BFP!! Beta #1 was 819, Beta #2 was 1963. I have another beta in a week, and my ultrasound is scheduled for 6/1. Could these high beta #’s indicate multiples?
05/12/2016 at 5:19 pmHello again Annie,
First of all… Congrats!!! 🙂
And yes, such high levels could be an indicator that you are pregnant with twins, but it’s still too early to draw conclusions. We won’t be able to get an accurate answer up until you go for your 1st ultrasound scan.
Best wishes!
05/12/2016 at 6:13 pm
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