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Things to keep in mind regarding ads for egg donors

Things to keep in mind regarding ads for egg donors

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Melissa</span>

    Hello, I’m considering becoming an egg donor so I’ve been doing some search… I was considering visiting a bank myself, but then a friend told me about ads for American egg donors in newspapers, on the internet… It is said that usually donors get more money if recruited through ads than via a clinic, is it true? Pls, help me make a decision!!

    06/22/2016 at 11:31 am
  2. Hello Melissa,

    The first thing a woman interested in donating eggs should take into account when seeing an ad for egg donors is who placed it. Not everyone is trustable here.

    Firstly, many fertility programs advertise for egg donors wanted in order to help treat their patients. This is the most advisable and comfortable option, as these programs provide all the screening, matching, medical procedures, et. required.

    Secondly, there is a second option involving the so called “egg brokers”. Egg brokers are individuals or organizations devoted to recruit egg donors, but keep in mind they do not provide medical services as clinics do. If you contact an egg broker, please be sure you find out who is responsible for each part of the process. Important questions are: Who will pay your medical bills? What if you develop complications?

    Thirdly, sometimes intended parents create themselves an advertisement offering a large amount of money to the right of the donor. In these cases, large amounts of money are offered because they seek donors with special qualities, like:

    – Musical or athletic ability
    – With an exceptional educational background
    – Above-average height
    – Etc.

    But be careful with the latter type of ads, as sometimes there is no actual couple behind them offering such remuneration. Instead, there may be a broker trying to attract a large number of applicants in order to use their details in the broker’s website to attract recipients.

    In conclusion, the purpose of egg donor ads is to encourage you to become a donor. Ads asking for details about you and/or the process are unreliable.

    The following posts may be of interest:

    Becoming an egg donor in the USA
    Requirements to become an egg donor in the USA

    I hope I have been able to help,

    Best wishes

    06/23/2016 at 5:22 pm