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Turkey baster method for artificial insemination at home

Turkey baster method for artificial insemination at home

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Pia Siegel</span>
    Pia Siegel

    Hello there,
    we are a lesbian couple and we are in the process toward parenthood. After searching for many ways for lesbian couples to have a baby, we’ve come to the conclusion we want to give the popular “turkey baster method” a try, why not? It seems easy and we are healthy and aged 28 each one of us. There’s nothing we could lose, and besides it’s the cheapest method! But we are not sure whether a turkey baster would be the most effective way of inserting the sample. Do you think a sterile syringe would be better? What is your advice on this?


    02/26/2016 at 12:09 pm
  2. Hello Pia,

    the turkey baster method for DIY self-insemination is one of the oldest methods of home insemination. In fact, when most people think of at-home artificial insemination, the first way to do so that crosses their minds is usually the “turkey baster method”.

    It actually refers to a simple, at-home way of self-insemination that involves, firstly, collecting the sperm and, secondly, inserting it into the vagina. It is for this latter step when the “turkey baster” comes in, as it is the tool used for inserting the semen into the vagina. The goal of this method is always transferring the sperm as close as possible to the area of fertilization, but you should know that there are safer, more effective ways and tools out there for it.

    A simple syringe is one of these safer tools. If you are going to purchase sperm through a sperm bank and wish to inseminate at home, probably it will be the bank itself which will provide you with needleless syringes to complete the insemination process. You will use the syringe exactly the same as you would use a turkey baster, but with the advantage that it is less unwieldy. The steps involved are the following: 1) drawing the semen into the syringe; 2) inserting the syringe into your vagina; and 3) depositing the semen.

    Nonetheless, of course you could try with a turkey blaster if you think it may be easier for you. Whatever the method you choose, take into account that, right after inserting the semen sample, you will need to recline for about half an hour with your hips elevated. Besides, whatever the method, keeping a few safety precautions is crucial, so please keep the following in mind:

    1) Before self-insemination with a needleless syringe, my advice is that you use an at-home ovulation kit to monitor your LH hormone levels. When they spike, it means that you’re about to ovulate within 24-48 hours. That’s the ideal moment to perform the DIY insemination.
    2) If the semen sample is obtained from a source other than a sperm bank, it would mean the sample hasn’t been analyzed, and therefore may carry a series of alterations or infections such as STDs, genetic diseases, etc.
    3) Likewise, the sperm won’t be washed through sperm capacitation. This, in some cases, leads to irritation in the uterus.
    4) Keep in mind that fertility clinics are sterile environments. However, if you do it at home, make sure you keep everything clean and avoid contamination at all costs.
    5) Finally, be careful not to injure yourself while inserting the semen sample.

    Please, take into consideration this is just general information. Should you have any further question, do not hesitate to consult with a doctor beforehand.

    Read more:

    What Is Artificial Insemination at Home or DIY Insemination?
    IUI with Donor Sperm.


    03/14/2016 at 10:39 am
    • Hello ladies, I only see my hubby like once a week, so we don’t have many chances to have sex or even any type of physical contact. We’ve come across the idea that maybe he can give me his sperm and then I try with DIY insemination at home with the turkey baster method… Wondering if it would work. FYI, his sample would be completely sealed until the moment I do it. Thanks for your quick reply.

      04/26/2016 at 5:05 pm
    • Dear Maynard,

      Artificial insemination at home’s accuracy is not better than that obtained with natural intercourse, so you’d achieve the same success rates if you tried intercourse whenever you see each other in person.

      Anyhow, sperms aren’t able to survive longer than around 1 hour outside the male body. From this moment on, they start losing their properties, especially their motility. Besides, they are affected by oxidative stress, DNA fragmentation…

      I hope I have been able to help,

      Best wishes

      04/26/2016 at 5:10 pm