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Under lot of stress after First attempt Embryo failed to implant

Under lot of stress after First attempt Embryo failed to implant

  1. sari

    I need advice, Please help. We are couple age M 37, F 32, Married 4 years, no kids naturally, went to Fertility clinic, they did test for women and men, All looks normal/average. then started 2 IUI treatment, failed to reproduce, Now First IVG transfer with Frozen embryo as during my egg collection, I gave 32 eggs and was bleeding so no fresh transfer was possible. Then they aligned with my periods and after almost 1 month, on friday they thawed the embyros, Wednesday transferred 2 good quality one and after 12 days, Blood test is negative. I am totally devasted by the news. What could be wrong here? What should we do now? and if we opt for second try, What precaution or questions should we have for our expert? Is fresh embryo transfer better?

    11/15/2022 at 9:05 am
  2. Hello sari,

    I am very sorry to hear about what happened. There can be several reasons for unsuccessful embryo transfers. One of them is that the embryos are of poor quality or have a chromosomal alteration that prevents their evolution.

    In these cases, it would be interesting to do PGD on the embryos to ensure the transfer of those that are healthy and therefore have a chance of implanting and resulting in pregnancy.

    Good luck!
    Best regards.

    11/29/2022 at 5:44 pm