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When does the embryo implant after IVF embryo transfer?

When does the embryo implant after IVF embryo transfer?

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">Kate Cooper</span>
    Kate Cooper


    I did my IVF embryo transfer 4 days ago. It was a 2-embryo transfer out of the 5 high-quality embryos I obtained from ICSI, because I was told a 2-embryo transfer increases your chances of getting pregnant. Now I’m on the two-week wait (2WW) and I look forward to having at least one of them implanted!! But the thing is I’m not sure when does it implant exactly, so how long should I wait? I mean, how long does it take for embryo implantation to occur?

    Thank you very much for your help!

    09/15/2015 at 6:38 pm
  2. Dear Kate,

    Embryo implantation occurs the following 5-8 days after fertilization. Nevertheless, in the case of IVF embryo transfer, it usually lasts 4 days, since in this case the embryos are placed directly inside the woman’s uteurs and the only thing they have to do is attach to it.

    Either way, you should wait at least 7-15 days (two-week wait) before taking a pregnancy test. This will increase the accuracy of the result.

    Hope this was helpful.

    09/16/2015 at 4:17 pm
  3. Hi, I have my first IVF cycle done, it’s now 13dpt5dt. I had mild spotting on September, 13th. I couldn’t wait so I just did a HPT a few minutes ago, but the result was BFN 🙁 Now I’m totally depressed I can’t stop my tears, I need help…could this be a false negative? I still have my BHcG tomorrow (14dpt), so there’s a little hope…Anyone in a similar situation got a BFP outcome? Please, help me.

    09/16/2015 at 5:45 pm
  4. Hey, I’m 25 years old and this is my 2nd IVF attempt. Today is 12 dpt, and I did a 3-embryo transfer. My blood pregnancy test to get my result is scheduled for tomorrow and I’m totally frightened. The thing is I don’t have any pregnancy symptoms at all… It’s like if nothing has been done in my body, so I have negative thoughts and I’m hopeless for tomorrow… Besides, I did a HPT a few hours ago and the result was negative 🙁 I have been told HPT are not very accurate, but added to the symptoms I have… I think I’m not pregnant, there’s no way I can, is it? Can somebody give me a clue?

    09/17/2015 at 8:21 am
  5. Hey there. Sending you strong hugs, dear! This is craziness to go through 2ww all the time. All in all, I’ve been through it 7 times already!! (Last successful time with donor eggs IVF). Sometimes I think I’ve just got used to it. So no more night crying into my pillow, extra nerves or going mad.. If this is your first time dealing with fertility treatment then I understand your feelings perfectly well. But here I should mention the thing my doc keeps saying “Do not test too early!!” I believe 9 even 10 days – is early to see the result. Moreover, I’m sure at least 14 days are given to us with more purpose. Some couples have to wait even a couple of days longer. So I truly believe the game is neverover until it really is!! You should be strong, brave and wait to 14-15 days. Always.

    06/19/2019 at 3:33 pm
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