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Will I let my family and friends down if I tell them I need donor eggs?

Will I let my family and friends down if I tell them I need donor eggs?

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">mrs clarke</span>
    mrs clarke

    Hi! This is my first attempt with donor eggs. I’ll start the treatment in March, 2016, but I still haven’t chosen a donor that fits my needs. I’ve already told some friends because I’ve come to terms with it and I don’t mind it… But I feel as if I’ve let them down because every time I try to have a conversation about it, they give me the silent treatment. I don’t want to keep donor eggs a secret, but they are like forcing me to doing so. I think it is because they don’t want to bring up the topic and I guess the reason behind it is genetics, as always.

    Is there anyone in a similar situation? Please, share your opinion, it’ll be helpful!

    01/19/2016 at 8:09 am
  2. Hello,

    My advice is that you should tell them if you feel the need or if it makes you feel better. You won’t let anybody down because of having used donor eggs; therefore, there is no reason to keep it a secret. Many women nowadays undergo egg donation, and still counting. Thanks to egg donation, many healthy children is now living in a family happily. You should not feel ashamed; otherwise you may transmit these feelings to your child.

    The following topics may be of interest as well:

    Why is egg donation still a taboo among fertility treatments?
    Keeping donor eggs a secret or not?

    I hope I have clarified all your concerns,


    01/20/2016 at 12:03 pm