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Your opinion about Loma Linda University Center for Fertility

Your opinion about Loma Linda University Center for Fertility

  1. <span  class="bbp-author-name">GingerAle</span>

    Hi folks!

    Anyone here patient at Loma Linda University? I’m new in the world of infertility and would be glad to have someone to exchange. I’m PCOS patient (severe stage) and that’s why I’m going to have an IVF. Anyone in the same boat?

    07/29/2019 at 9:44 am
  2. Hi dear,

    husband and I also had been struggling for a longer period of time. I suffer from endometriosis (that explains my horrible period cramps), the husband has low sperm count. We also were suggested IVF. We were quite happy at this center and got pregnant quite quickly. We are friends with a couple that also suffers from infertility issues and there were not so lucky, it took them 3 of IVF/ICSI, before getting pregnant. They were at a different fertility clinic, though.

    08/29/2019 at 7:48 pm
    • Hi Mary,

      I’m happy to hear that you were so successful. I hope I will be this lucky, too 🙁 Do you think having PCOS will have an impact on the potential success of an IVF treatment?

      09/01/2019 at 3:39 pm
    • Hi GingerAle,

      I’m sorry to hear about your fertility struggles. The good news is that you still have chances in conceiving by IVF. However, it is difficult to predict the pregnancy probability infertility treatment as it depends on various factors such as patient’s age, the severity of your condition, clinic, etc. If you are curious about the IVF success rates of Loma Lina University Center for Fertility in specific, I recommend you access the Clinic overview of Loma Linda University Center for Fertility.

      If you want to know how PCOS affects your fertility in general, I suggest you read this post: How Does PCOS Affect a Women’s Fertility?

      Hope this helps you,

      best of luck for your first IVF round!

      09/03/2019 at 9:55 am
    • Hi Romina!

      thank you so much for your response. I looked through the success rates, they seem actually quite good. Do you have, by chance, any information about the patient’s health conditions, though? I’m just worried that I will be less fertile and, therefore, less successful in the end 🙁

      09/04/2019 at 12:01 pm
    • Hi GingerAle,

      you don’t have to worry. Since these success rates are about IVF/ICSI treatments, there are already severe infertility factors in those patients, otherwise, they would’ve done a simple IUI cycle which is the standard treatment for minor infertility issues.

      Hope this answer helps you.

      09/29/2019 at 3:44 pm