Hypospermia is an alteration in the male semen due to poor ejaculation. The seminal parameter affected in this case is the semen volume, which has a value below 1.5 milliliters (ml).
This alteration in semen volume can be a cause of male infertility if there is difficulty in achieving pregnancy. This is not always the case, since, if the concentration and quality of the spermatozoa are good, the male will be able to conceive and have children without any problem.
The different sections of this article have been assembled into the following table of contents.
Hypospermia is defined as low volume of ejaculated semen. Taking into account the reference values of the World Health Organization (WHO), hypospermia is diagnosed when the male has a seminal volume of less than 1.5 ml. The test performed to determine the semen volume and diagnose if there is hypospermia or any other semen quality problem is the seminogram or spermiogram.
Sperm volume is considered normal when it ranges between 1.5 and 6 ml according to the reference values published by the World Health Organization (WHO).
However, when the ejaculate volume is too low, that is, when there is almost no semen in the ejaculate, it may be a case of anejaculation (inability to ejaculate in males). It is often caused by a blockage or retrograde ejaculation.
Get more info by clicking the following link: Post-Testicular Factors of Male Infertility - Causes & Treatment.
The decrease in semen production in the male is usually related to two main organs: the vesicles and the prostate. In addition, it should be noted that the volume of semen decreases gradually over the years due to the aging of the male. This is a natural process and is not associated with any disease or ailment.
On the other hand, hypospermia can be caused by the following factors:
Some studies have shown that men who smoke or have overweight problems may have a lower amount of ejaculate as well.
In any case, your urologist should examine your case in detail in order to detect the presence of other severe conditions that may be going unnoticed.
To assess semen quality in a semen analysis it is necessary that the patient comes with a sexual abstinence between 3 and 5 days. If ejaculation occurs before this time and the semen volume is lower than normal, it is possible that the hypospermia is due to this and not to major problems.
Nevertheless, having hypospermia does not necessarily mean that there is a sterility problem. If the man has a poor ejaculation, the total amount of sperm in the ejaculate is likely to be lower than that of another man without hypospermia. However, the sperm count per milliliter may be good and the sperm may show adequate morphology and motility.
In the opposite case, a man with a larger ejaculate volume but poor sperm motility and/or morphology may have the same chances of achieving pregnancy as a man with hypospermia but whose sperm are better and with high fertilizing capacity.
Although hypospermia is most often related to oligospermia or low sperm concentration, this is not always the case.
If, when seeking pregnancy, hypospermia delays or prevents this goal, the following solutions can be tried:
There is no definitive treatment that favors the production of more semen. There are only different commercial pills or dietary supplements that can help improve the level of semen.
If the lack of semen volume is caused by a condition in the seminal vesicle or prostate, a surgical intervention could be performed to solve the problem, although it is not always possible to increase the final volume of semen.
If any other problem besides hypospermia is diagnosed in the semen analysis, such as low motility (asthenospermia) or morphological alterations (teratospermia), the probability of achieving pregnancy will be severely diminished.
Therefore, it will be necessary to resort to assisted reproductive techniques such as artificial insemination (AI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) depending on the parameters obtained.
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If there is aspermia or total absence of ejaculate, special techniques for sperm collection prior to fertility treatment, such as epididymal aspiration or testicular biopsy should be used.
Hypospermia is defined as a decrease in ejaculate volume below 2.5 ml. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the regular volume of normal semen ejaculated by a healthy man should be between 1.5 and 6 ml of the total ejaculated fluid.
Treatment is based primarily on the specific cause that is causing the hypospermia, so it is essential to first find the cause. It may require restorative surgery, lifestyle changes or a change in medication.
Yes, this is one of the causes of hypospermia. Therefore, it is not recommended to have sexual intercourse several times a day if you are looking for pregnancy. In order to correctly assess the semen volume, the man must remain sexually abstinent for 3 days.
Retrograde ejaculation occurs when the opening of the bladder does not close and sperm is directed there instead of being expelled from the penis. Symptoms are low ejaculate volume and cloudy urine after orgasm.
Generally no, Hypospermia refers to a low semen volume, less than 1.5 ml total. Therefore, hypospermia is related to oligospermia, that is, a low number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate.
However, a male who presents both alterations, hypospermia and teratospermia, will have a much higher degree of infertility and the possibility of achieving a natural pregnancy will be very limited.
These three terms refer to different seminal alterations. First, hypospermia is characterized by a low semen volume in the male, specifically, less than 1.5 mL. However, it is possible that the rest of the semen parameters are within the normal range.
Secondly, aspermia is the total absence of ejaculation in the male. Therefore, it is also known as anejaculation.
Finally, azoospermia refers to the absence of sperm in the ejaculate. The male is able to ejaculate a normal volume of semen, but it is not possible to find any sperm. Therefore, pregnancy would not be possible in a natural way.
As briefly explained above, a seminogram or semen analysis is a diagnostic test used to detect potential sperm disorders, including hypospermia or low semen volume. You can learn all the details about this common test here: What Is a Semen Analysis Report? – Purpose, Preparation & Cost.
There exist many other sperm disorders that can come along with hypospermia, or even be the cause behind low sperm production. The following post may provide you with a much deeper insight: Sperm Disorders that Cause Male Infertility.
Sperm agglutination is another sperm disorder that can be detected through a semen analysis and can cause a man's sperm to be sticky. Check out this for information: What Is Agglutination in Sperm? – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment.
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G Robin, F Marcelli, V Mitchell, C Marchetti, L Lemaitre, D Dewailly, M Leroy-Billiard, J-M Rigot. Why and how to assess hypospermia? Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2008 Oct;36(10):1035-42. doi: 10.1016/j.gyobfe.2008.04.021.
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