Instituto Madrileño de Fertilidad (IMF)

By (fertility counselor).
Last Update: 12/11/2018

The different sections of this article have been assembled into the following table of contents.


At Instituto Madrileño de Fertilidad (IMF), we specialize in patient care, fertility preservation, diagnosis, and fertility treatments. Dr. Galera, IMF's founder and leading specialist in the treatment of infertility in Spain with over +30 years of experience, relies on his team of multidisciplinary experts to study and diagnose each case through the main assisted reproductive technologies for the achievement of pregnancy.

Our offices are located in Madrid's and Barcelona's city centers, two Spanish cities that are used to receiving international tourists, with a wide range of leisure activities and services.

[clinica-servicios] [clinica-idiomas] [clinica-tratamientos]

Why choose IMF?

At IMF, we know that making the decision of having a child is probably one of the most important steps of your life. This is the reason why having a team of professionals able to support you throughout the journey to parenthood is crucial.

IMF is committed to providing its patients with the most suitable treatment for them, starting from the simplest one to that involving a higher level of complexity, depending on each particular case.

Egg donation at IMF

IMF has a comprehensive egg donation program, without waiting lists, created to help you achieve your most sought-after dream: having a baby.

Every egg donor at IMF has been thoroughly pre-screened, including the following tests: psychological evaluation, complete gynecological examination, serology, genetic screening (karyotype), and hormone analysis.

Average pregnancy success rates of IVF using donor eggs are very high: 58-70% of IMF's patients achieve pregnancy.

IMF's egg donation program makes the process easier for international patients or patients from a Spanish province other than Madrid or Barcelona. We coordinate every treatment so that patients stay abroad for the shortest time possible.

Our programs

The following shall explain what is included in each one of the programs shown on the right side of this page:

EGG DONATION (partner's sperm)

SHARED EGG DONATION (partner's sperm)

RECIPROCAL IVF (shared motherhood for lesbian couples)

First visit

IMF has made available a broad range of appointment times, in person or via Skype. To get started, the only thing you have to do is contacting our patient care service, available for national patients as well as those from abroad or via e-mail. Should you have medical reports or diagnostic tests, please submit them via e-mail/fax prior to your first consultation.

At the first consultation, a doctor will review your clinical history, analyses, and medical reports. The aim is to propose the treatment that best fits your needs, give you instructions on the steps involved, and clarify any potential doubt that may arise.

We make a great effort to provide you with the highest quality information.

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