The exact cause of intrauterine hematomas is not known. However, there are some factors that seem to increase the risk of intrauterine hematoma formation.
Bad lifestyle habits can be a culprit. Women who smoke or drink alcohol while pregnant are more likely to present an intrauterine hematoma. Similarly, abdominal injuries, placenta previa or arterial hypertension can also be the cause of intrauterine hematomas.
Other causes of hematoma formation are having had multiple previous pregnancies or being over 38-40 years of age.
Read the full article on: Intrauterine hematomas in pregnancy: their cause and treatment ( 39).
By Marta Barranquero Gómez B.Sc., M.Sc. (embryologist), Zaira Salvador B.Sc., M.Sc. (embryologist) and Michelle Lorraine Embleton B.Sc. Ph.D. (biochemist).
Last Update: 09/21/2022