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Risk factors for jaundice in newborns

Risk factors for jaundice in newborns

There are certain factors that can cause the infant to become more jaundiced than physiological jaundice, as they can contribute to increased bilirubin levels. These factors include:

  • Premature delivery, due to hepatic immaturity.
  • Hematomas, since the degradation of red blood cells may be increased.
  • Blood incompatibility, because maternal antibodies would attack fetal red blood cells, causing their degradation.
  • Breastfeeding, especially when it is not going well and the baby is not sufficiently nourished and hydrated.

However, there may also be other causes of jaundice, such as internal bleeding, infection.... In these cases, jaundice will appear at a time that does not coincide with the time of onset of physiological jaundice (more common and milder) and may be more severe.

By (embryologist).
Last Update: 02/14/2024