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Identification data
INVITRA is a digital project and registered trademark that is part of the company EUREKA FERTILITY, SL.
In compliance with the provisions of Article 10 of Act 34/2002 of 11 July regarding Services of the Information Society and E-commerce, the following are the company's data:
- Identity-Entity: EUREKA FERTILITY S.L.
- VAT NUMBER: B16978264
- Postal address: Safor 12, pt 106 46015, Valencia (Spain)
- Telephone: +34 963 498 949
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Company Object: Media specialising in reproductive medicine.
- Website: https://eurekafertility.com/en/
- Registry data: T 11064, L 8342, F 7, S 8, H V 200845, I/A 1 (19.10.21)
If you want to contact us, visit our contact page (https://www.invitra.com/en/contact/).
All information, articles, publications, and comments posted in forums are access-free and there is no need for registration or provision of personal data. In spite of this, access and/or use of this website infers the category as USER of the website and assumes without reservation the full acceptance by the user of each and every general condition in the access and/or use of the website included in this Legal Notice.
The information contained herein is in force since the date of the last update. Each article, publication, or comment has the date of publication properly indicated. EUREKA FERTILITY / INVITRA reserved the right to update, modify or remove the information published herein.
General obligations of users
Conditions of access and use of this website are dependent on the existing legal conditions and principles of good faith and licit use when users access the Website. In general, any act that is done to the detriment of EUREKA FERTILITY / INVITRA and is contrary to this Legal Notice is prohibited.
As a User, you commit NOT to get involved in any activities that:
- Are illicit, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order
- Infringe the rights of EUREKA FERTILITY / INVITRA or third parties
- May harm, insert viruses, render useless, overload or deteriorate the Website
- May hinder the normal use of the Website by other users
- May involve any form of violation of rights for third parties: right to privacy, right to self-image, right to intellectual and industrial property, etc.
- Involve any type of advertising (e.g. sending non-requested emails, that is, spam or similar communications)
EUREKA FERTILITY / INVITRA reserves the right to remove contents or comments posted by users when they violate the right to respecting the dignity of the person affected, are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, infringe upon the human rights of the youth and children, the public order or safety, or that are inadequate for being published.
For more information, we have created a page to explain our forum rules and general posting guidelines (https://www.invitra.com/en/posting-guidelines/).
Intellectual property & use of contents
EUREKA FERTILITY / INVITRA owns all the intellectual and industrial property rights of this Website (text, videos, pictures and illustrations).
To learn more on how you can use our contents, read our copyright policy (https://www.invitra.com/en/copyright/).
External links
The Internet user who wants to introduce external links to the Website of EUREKA FERTILITY / INVITRA must comply with the conditions set out below, an ignorance of which does not constitute a release from the liabilities deriving from Law:
- Home page or internal can be linked according our copyright (www.invitra.com)
- Under applicable legislation in force, the establishment of frames of any kind around any part of this Website or containing the Website, or allowing its contents to be viewed through Internet addresses other than the Website and, in any event, where contents not pertaining to the Website may be jointly viewed so that it:
- may cause or lead the user to error, confusion, or deceit concerning the true and genuine source of the services and contents of reference;
- constitutes an act of unfair comparison or imitation;
- it is used to take advantage of the reputation and prestige of the EUREKA FERTILITY / INVITRA brand name;
- is forbidden in any other way under existing legislation is strictly forbidden.
- The page bearing the link may not incur in any type of false, inaccurate or incorrect statement on EUREKA FERTILITY / INVITRA, its employees, or the quality of the services it offers.
- In no event will the page bearing the link state that EUREKA FERTILITY / INVITRA has given its consent to the use of the link or that it otherwise sponsors, collaborates, verifies or supervises the services of the sender.
- The use of any denominative, graphic or mixed brand or of another characteristic sign of EUREKA FERTILITY / INVITRA within the sender's webpage is forbidden except for those cases permitted by Law or expressly authorized by EUREKA FERTILITY / INVITRA as long as such in such case is a direct link to the Website is permitted in the manner established in this section.
- The page with the link must faithfully observe the law and may under no condition contain or link to elements, whether belonging to this page or to those of third parties that:
- are illicit, harmful, or contrary to morality or good conduct (pornography, violence, racism, etc.)
- actually or potentially create the false impression that EUREKA FERTILITY / INVITRA subscribes, endorses, adheres to, or otherwise supports the ideas, statements, or expressions, whether illicit or otherwise, made by the sender;
- are inappropriate for or not pertinent to the activity of EUREKA FERTILITY / INVITRA by virtue of the location, contents, or theme of the sender’s website.
In any case, EUREKA FERTILITY / INVITRA reserves the right to prohibit external links in the Website, and may request the removal of links to its own website if they do not meet the conditions established herein.
Privacy policy
EUREKA FERTILITY / INVITRA is committed to compliance with the Spanish and European policies in the field of data protection policies and information services.
To this end, along with each form to gather personal data, in the services users can request to EUREKA FERTILITY / INVITRA, we will let the user know about the existence and acceptance of the particular conditions for the treatment of personal data on a case-by-case basis, informing the User on who is going to be dealing with the User's data, address, legitimacy, possibilities for exercising his/her rights (access, rectification, not to be subject to an automated individual decision-making, object, restriction, data portability, erasure), the purpose of the treatment, and communications of your data we might do to third parties.
See more about our Privacy and Data Protection Policy: https://www.invitra.com/en/privacy-and-data-protection-policy/.
All information about the cookies used in this Website, as well as the different options available for modifying or disabling them, is available in our cookies policy page (https://www.invitra.com/en/cookies-policy/).
Content provided by third parties (users)
The user commits to user the website properly, in accordance with the policies explained above, and lawfully of the Website and its contents, according to the Applicable Law. Thus, users must abstain from using it in a way that is not authorized or is that is unlawful in the sections where they can interact with other users. The user is the sole responsible of the infringement to the site or the damage he/she can cause due to site page use.
In any case, EUREKA FERTILITY / INVITRA shall not be held responsible for the opinions shared by users through forums, comments on articles, or any other participation tool.
Third party failure
EUREKA FERTILITY / INVITRA shall not be held liable under any circumstances for any damages of any nature that may arise, including but not limited to: interferences, errors or omissions in the content, viruses, telephone failure, shutdown due to malfunction of electronic or IT systems (due to causes outside the control of the company), lack of availability of the portal or the transmission of viruses, malware or harmful programs through the content. In spite of that, at EUREKA FERTILITY / INVITRA we work hard to have the best facilities and IT security systems (https://www.invitra.com/en/facilities-computer-security/).
Also, users are informed that the contents published on inviTRA have been written to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/visitor of this Website, and his/her physician. As such, inviTRA is not responsible of the use that each person makes of such information in time or form. For this reason, we recommend patients that they do not take medications or make decisions based only on the information stated herein, without asking previously a licensed physician previously.
Contents of links
EUREKA FERTILITY / INVITRA takes no responsibility for the products, contents and services of other websites that may link to it, directly or indirectly, through the Website. In case a user considers that there is a link to inappropriate or illegal content, the user shall inform EUREKA FERTILITY / INVITRA. The existence of linked websites never presupposes the existence of agreements with individuals or entities who are responsible for or who own them, or the recommendation, advertisement, or identification of EUREKA FERTILITY / INVITRA with the declarations, contents, or services they provide. EUREKA FERTILITY / INVITRA reserves the right of removing in a unilateral way and in any moment the links that appear in the Website.
EUREKA FERTILITY / INVITRA reserves the right to modify, develop and update at any moment the terms of this Website. The information that appears on this website is current as of the date of its most recent update.
If you wish to communicate with us, you must send an email to [email protected], or send a communication in writing to EUREKA FERTILITY, S.L., C/ Safor 12, pt 106 46015, Valencia, Spain. To find other our phone numbers and other communication options, visit our contact page (https://www.invitra.com/en/contact/).
Applicable law and jurisdiction
The terms and conditions that that preside over this website and all the relations that could be derived are safeguarded by the Spanish regulations.
Adhesion to Confianza Online
Our entity is a member of Confianza Online (non-profit association), registered in the National Register of Associations Group 1, Section 1, national number 594400, CIF G85804011, Carrera de San Jerónimo, 18, 4o 1, 28014 Madrid (Spain). For further information: https://www.confianzaonline.es/
We also inform you that, as a member entity and under the terms of its Code, Confianza Online will be competent for the alternative resolution of any disputes regarding digital advertising and data protection related to this area. (https://www.confianzaonline.es/como-reclamar)