Although there is no clear and exact definition of low response to ovarian stimulation, there are some criteria that should be studied to arrive at this diagnosis.
When a woman has less than 5 antral follicles in the ovaries, less than 5 oocytes obtained in the puncture, high levels of FH, and decreased estradiol concentration in the blood, it is said that there is a low response of the ovaries to the hormonal drugs administered during the ovarian stimulation phase of fertility treatment.
Read the full article on: The low response to ovarian stimulation: causes and treatments. ( 81).
By José María Sánchez Jordán M.D. (gynecologist), Manuel Aparicio Caballero M.D., M.Sc. (gynecologist), Marta Barranquero Gómez B.Sc., M.Sc. (embryologist), Zaira Salvador B.Sc., M.Sc. (embryologist) and Cristina Algarra Goosman B.Sc., M.Sc. (psychologist).
Last Update: 04/11/2022