Climacterium is a period that occurs between adulthood and old age amongst all women. It is during this time period when women go through a stage called menopause.
Menopause translates into the permanent ceasing of menstruation, monthly menses or period in women due to age. As a consequence, the woman experiences a series of menopausal symptoms as well as some health alterations that we will explain in the following sections.
The different sections of this article have been assembled into the following table of contents.
Climacterium is a phase of all woman's life in which they transition from their reproductive age into their non-reproductive. During this phase, the ovaries start to slow down the egg maturation process, which leads to the depletion of the egg count (ovarian reserve), and the subsequent decrease of estrogen levels.
Climacterium and menopause are commonly used interchangeably. However, the term menopause actually refers to the woman's last menses, something that occurs within the climacterium.
While climacterium is a transitory phase that can extend up to several years, menopause is an isolated event.
Typically, climacterium starts about 5 years before menopause, and can extend until up to age 70, when a phase known as senility starts.
Also, menopause is likely to appear between ages 45 and 55. At this moment, the ovaries of the woman stop working. On average, women go through menopause at age 51.
Climacterium is a perfectly normal process in all women's lives.
Given that ovarian function diminishes slowly and progressively during the reproductive years, we can divide climacterium into three phases:
It should be noted that each woman's experiences in these climacteric phases may be different. Therefore, the duration, intensity and symptoms of the climacteric period may vary from one woman to another.
There exist many symptoms that appear before menopause and during climacterium. The following are the most common ones:
It should be noted that not all women will experience the same premenopausal symptoms. In fact, 10% won't have any symptoms at all.
If you have recently noticed various menopausal symptoms, you should visit your gynecologist to undergo a routine examination. If necessary, he will prescribe a hormone replacement therapy that helps you deal with the symptoms during the upcoming years.
Although menopause is not a disease or condition, it can cause certain health and/or mental complications due to hormonal imbalances.
Climacterium increases the risk of developing the following health conditions:
To sum up, it's important that you attend your regular visits to the doctor and gynecologist after starting the climacterium period.
Depending on the symptoms and age at which menopause starts, your gynecologist may prescribe a hormone replacement therapy or not, as we have explained in the previous section.
This hormonal treatment involves the administration of estrogen and progesterone to try to relieve the symptoms associated with menopause. However, some specialists consider that HRT has a series of disadvantages, such as the risk of developing endometrial or breast cancer.
On the other hand, menopausal symptoms can be treated with certain natural remedies as well. For instance, following a balanced diet, including vitamin supplements containing isoflavones of soy and hop leaves can help.
Soy and hop leaves contain isoflavones, a type of phytoestrogens that have multiple benefits for menopausal women. They can help relieve symptoms like hot flashes, anxiety, insomnia, etc. Moreover, phytoestrogens are beneficial for bone health.
Aside from what we have already explained above, there exist some tips or recommendations that can help you relieve the symptoms of menopause, and improve the everyday life of these women:
In addition to all the aforementioned recommendations, seeking support from other women who are at the same stage also helps to improve mood.
Hormone replacement therapy consists of treatment with estrogens alone or with estrogens with progestogens in order to relieve the symptoms produced by the decrease of natural hormones in menopause.
The symptoms of menopause secondary to the drop in estrogens are very varied, from vaginal dryness or hot flushes to osteoporosis. In some cases, the symptoms can candition the quality of life, affecting and limiting the woman in her daily life. On other occasions, such as early menopause, the period of years in which a woman will have low levels of estrogen can be very long, thus increasing the risk of osteoporosis in the future. In these situations, hormone replacement therapy may be indicated for a variable time interval.
The FDA advises the use of hormone therapy for the shortest possible time and at the lowest possible dose to control the symptoms of menopause. The gynecologist will be responsible for deciding what medication to take and even when to take it, based on the patient's symptoms and characteristics.
There is not a specific age when menopause should start. It is estimated that, on average, it begins when the woman is between 45 to 55 years old. Should it begin earlier than age 45, it is considered early menopause. Conversely, in case it you go through it later than age 55, it would be considered a case of late menopause.
The average age for menopause to show up is 51, with symptoms like hot flashes, alterations in the menstrual period, and mood swings.
Yes, although it is unlikely. During perimenopause, i.e. the period prior to menopause, you still ovulate and, subsequently, there are chances for you to get pregnant yet. Specialists recommend that women continue using birth control while on perimenopause until they have stopped having monthly menses for at least 12 months in a row.
Yes, it is possible to have a baby after menopause, a phenomenon known as postmenopausal pregnancy. Menopause is defined as the cessation of menstruation, which means the loss of ovarian activity. However, this does not affect the uterus, which is still functional, and able to carry a pregnancy. This is perfectly possible with either donor eggs from a young girl, the woman's own previously frozen eggs, or the couple's frozen embryos, if any.
Yes, in fact, that is the definition of menopause. When a woman hits this stage in her reproductive life, it literally means that her ovaries have run out of oocytes.
Yes, though it is not so noticeable as in the case of women. Experts have named it male climacterium, andropause, low T or male menopause. It involves a gradual decline in testicular function, with the subsequent decrease in testosterone levels, hence the name low T.
Andropause usually comes hand in hand with a series of symptoms, including a decrease in testicular size, increased prostate volume, altered erectile function, increased body fat, drop in testosterone levels, etc.
Read more: What Is Andropause or “Male Menopause”?
Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) allows us to predict ovarian reserve in women directly. Since menopause marks the end of ovarian function in women and the depletion of the ovarian follicle count, AMH levels at this moment are low, close to zero.
However, women who wish to have a child at an advanced maternal age, that is, an age that is close to menopause, can use donor eggs to get pregnant. Click here to learn more: What’s Being an Egg Donor Recipient Like? – Preparation & Process.
No, actually is not a common symptom during menopause, given that the ovaries stop working during this stage. However, the presence of bacterial infections during menopause may cause the ovaries to swell, causing pain.
As explained throughout this post, perimenopause is one stage of climacterium, particularly the one leading up to menopause per se. Would you like to read more about it? If so, do not miss this: What Is Perimenopause?
Throughout the reproductive years of females, sex hormones are responsible for the proper regulation of the menstrual cycle in order to trigger ovulation on a monthly basis. To learn more about this, read: The Different Phases of the Menstrual Cycle.
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