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Types of spontaneous abortion

Types of spontaneous abortion

There exist various types of miscarriage or spontaneous abortion depending on the factors that influence it:

Sporadic vs. recurrent
Depending on whether it occurs spontaneously as an isolated event, or repeatedly in the form of recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL).
Clinical vs. subclinical
We consider it clinical when takes place at the final stages of pregnancy; conversely, it's a subclinical spontaneous abortion if it takes place at a very early stage of pregnancy.
Anembryonic vs. embryonic
Anembryonic pregnancy or blighted ovum is a type of miscarriage in which the gestational sac is empty. An embryonic abortion, conversely, refers to an embryo that can be seen, but stops developing.
Complete vs. incomplete
We say it's complete if your body is able to expel all the products of pregnancy naturally, and incomplete if it doesn't.
By (embryologist), (gynecologist), (gynecologist), (embryologist) and (psychologist).
Last Update: 02/01/2018