Although a twin pregnancy is generally understood as any gestation of two embryos, we should know that identical twins are not the same as fraternal twins. Visibly there is an important difference in that identical twins are identical and of the same sex. In any case, both types of twins are considered higher risk pregnancies, since they present an increased probability of complications.
Double pregnancy is the most common form of multiple pregnancy, although sometimes we also see pregnancies with triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets.
These are not very common natural pregnancies, although they occur more frequently after in vitro fertilization treatment when more than one embryo is transferred. However, reproductive medicine is trying to curb the proliferation of this type of pregnancy.
The different sections of this article have been assembled into the following table of contents.
Multiple pregnancies occur as a result of different processes that will also determine the type of twins:
In turn, in the case of identical twins, we can further classify them according to the moment in which the embryo divided into two independent embryos. This will affect the placenta and the number of amniotes or sacs:
In the case of dizygotic embryos or twins, being two independent oocytes, they will evolve in two separate placentas and sacs. They are therefore bi-chorionic-biamniotic pregnancies.
Mulitple pregnancy usually involves a series of risks for both the woman and the future babies. The following is a summary of the most common:
If you want more information about the possible risks, you can read this article: Risks in a multiple pregnancy.
There are diverse factors that can increase the chances of having a multiple pregnancy, for example:
In recent decades, multiple pregnancy rates associated with in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments in which more than a single embryo is transferred have increased, hence the importance of single transfers whenever possible.
It is a common belief in many patients that transferring frozen embryos decreases this risk. Performing a delayed embryo transfer (with frozen embryos) or immediate embryo transfer (fresh) at the puncture does not decrease the rate of multiple pregnancies. This depends exclusively on the number of embryos transferred.
Although the evolution of a twin pregnancy is practically the same as that of a single pregnancy, there may be slight variations in terms of symptoms.
Women with this type of pregnancy tend to experience more nausea and vomiting than in a single pregnancy. The size of the uterus is also larger, which can cause more discomfort and a greater sensation of heaviness.
Therefore, it is important to follow the medical indications so that the twin pregnancy evolves month by month in a healthy way and allows the birth of healthy children. Some common recommendations to reduce potential risks and complications are:
Once the babies are born, the mother will need all the help she can get to cope with raising two or more babies at once.
To increase the chances of success of an assisted reproduction treatment, two embryos are usually transferred in an IVF procedure. In this way, we increase the probability that at least one of them will implant and result in gestation. However, there is a possibility that both will implant and result in a twin pregnancy.
Currently there are many studies focused on reducing double transfers to reduce the probability of twin gestation without affecting the pregnancy rate.
This research focuses on the selection of the best embryo, the one that offers the best guarantee of implantation, thus increasing the probability of pregnancy with a single transfer.
When we associate multiple pregnancy with in vitro fertilization, we must keep in mind that we are talking about fraternal twins and not monozygotic twins, although socially we tend to confuse both terms. The case of identical twins in assisted reproduction could occur with the same probability as for a natural pregnancy.
You can read more about this in the following article: Multiple pregnancy and assisted reproduction.
Michelle Emblenton, biochemist at inviTRA, summarizes in this video whether having twins is hereditary and what can influence i:
Dizygotic twins occur when two eggs are fertilized by two different sperm and the two resulting embryos implant into the mother's uterus. These are often known as fraternal twins or non-identical twins.
Although the potential risks for the fetuses and the mother are becoming increasingly controlled and less frequent, it is precisely in cases of multiple births where problems for the mother may raise, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, prematurity, problems at the time of delivery, etc.
As for the baby, the potential dangers are those related to prematurity, most of them considered as mild and transitional, although some may become a serious health issue.
Answer from Fertility Madrid
There is an increase in uterine volume, so the diaphragm moves into the thoracic cavity, decreasing respiratory capacity.
That is why at Fertility Madrid we are in favor of transferring a single embryo.
Michelle Emblenton, biochemist at inviTRA, tells us about the possible symptoms of a twin pregnancy.
The evolution of a twin pregnancy or a multiple pregnancy is basically the same as the evolution of a single pregnancy. However, with two babies it may be that some of the symptoms are more pronounced. You may experience more nausea or more fatigue. As you've got two babies growing in there, the uterus is going to be bigger and you may have more sensation of heaviness and fatigue, requiring a little bit more rest than usual. What is important in a multiple pregnancy is that you go to all of your regular checkups (and there will probably be more of them in a multiple pregnancy) to ensure that all of those factors we've talked about are under control and that the pregnancy is evolving healthily for both you and your babies. And don't forget that once those babies are born, which may be by a cesarean section or not (it depends on your individual case) you are going to need a little bit more help than those mothers who just have a single baby, so do be prepared.
There is no way you can ensure that a twin pregnancy will occur naturally, as it will depend on the probability that a woman will ovulate more than one egg in the same cycle or on the probability that the embryo will fragment and give rise to the development of two independent embryos.
The chances of twins with egg donation are higher than in normal IVF cycles using the woman's own eggs due to the young age of donors, which translates into very healthy oocytes. This is the reason why multiple embryo transfers are unadvisable.
On average, if more than one embryo is transferred, the likelihood of becoming pregnant with twins is about 40%, while the chances of carrying triplets or greater is roughly 4%.
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The pregnancy test analyzes the level of beta-hCG in maternal blood to confirm or rule out pregnancy. A very high beta-hCG level in the first weeks of gestation raises the suspicion of a double pregnancy, but confirmation will be obtained when two gestational sacs are visualized on ultrasound or a double heartbeat is heard.
No, when the pregnancy is with fraternal twins (and not identical twins), each one comes from a different embryo and therefore each one will develop its own placenta and its own amniotic sac.
This is known as a bicorionic-biamniotic pregnancy.
Although the genetic basis for the hereditary probability of having twins is not yet currently understood, it is true that having cases of fraternal or identical twins in the family does increase the chances of having a multiple pregnancy.
This is especially true in the case of fraternaltwins, since it is likely that the probability of ovulating twice is inherited.
If you would like more information on the hereditary basis of twins, we recommend reading this article: Is having twins hereditary?
We make a great effort to provide you with the highest quality information.
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