The decision on how to deliver a baby, natural childbirth, or cesarean section, is not up to the parents-to-be.
Normally, the specialist doctor who follows the pregnancy and who will deliver the baby will be responsible for determining which method is best for the characteristics of the woman, the baby, and each particular situation.
In addition, once the time of delivery has come, it may be necessary to change your mind in order to avoid risks. This is often the case when a vaginal delivery was initially scheduled and a cesarean section was subsequently performed.
The different sections of this article have been assembled into the following table of contents.
Natural or vaginal childbirth refers to the delivery of the baby through the mother's vaginal opening. For this to happen, this orifice must dilate, giving rise to the characteristic labor pain. Uterine contractions that help expel the fetus are also responsible for this pain.
It should be noted that although the terms vaginal birth and natural child birth refer to the same thing, they are not. This means that vaginal delivery is not always natural, since it is possible to use epidural anesthesia.
It is understood as natural when a vaginal delivery takes place without the intervention of any drug to relieve the pain caused by the dilatation of the vagina.
The following are the benefits and drawbacks of vaginal delivery, regardless of whether or not anesthesia is used.
For most women, natural childbirth is a unique experience, as they can be aware of the entire process and see the baby as soon as it is born. In addition to this, there are other positive factors in favor of natural childbirth:
It is also important to point out that, contrary to what happens in cesarean delivery, the father-to-be can be part of the moment of the birth of his child during natural birth, being a great support for the mother.
However, natural childbirth also has a number of disadvantages that the woman should be aware of, although they are less than in the case of cesarean section. Listed below are some of the disadvantages of vaginal delivery:
Nevertheless, it is not possible to know exactly when the woman will begin to feel contractions to go to the hospital. Therefore, the woman must be alert for several days until she is discharged.
Cesarean delivery is one in which the baby leaves the mother's womb through a cut made in the woman's abdomen and uterus. This is a major surgical procedure and, as such, presents certain risks.
The cesarean section must be performed under anesthesia. Epidural anesthesia is now commonly used, although in the past it was common to use general anesthesia.
It is quite common in society to hear that a baby born by cesarean section suffers less during delivery and, therefore, is born with better color and appearance. However, a cesarean section can also be complicated and present several health risks for both mother and baby.
Some benefits of cesarean delivery are as follows:
In addition to these benefits, the cesarean section also makes it possible to avoid emergency surgery if natural childbirth does not go well. This would reduce morbidity.
Although it is often necessary to perform a cesarean section to save the baby's life, the truth is that this procedure has more disadvantages than vaginal delivery:
In addition to all this, contrary to what happens with natural childbirth, it is not possible for the father or any other accompanying person to be present during the intervention.
Breech presentation (breech or feet down) has an incidence of between 3 and 4%. Vaginal delivery in breech presentation has shown a higher incidence of problems at delivery and poor perinatal outcomes compared to cephalic delivery.
Therefore, it is a medical indication to perform a scheduled cesarean section at 39 weeks, which is considered a safer procedure for the newborn. However, cesarean section is not free of maternal risks mainly, so one of the current recommendations is to perform an external cephalic version (attempt to turn the baby by external obstetric maneuvers).
Childbirth is the most special and awaited moment for most pregnant women. Delivery can be done vaginally or by cesarean section.
The most physiological route is the vaginal route. However, there are circumstances in which delivery by cesarean section is indicated to safeguard the health of the mother and fetus.
There are 3 types of cesarean section:
There are many theories about how childbirth should be, as well as many doctors in favor of cesarean section and many advocates of natural childbirth.
It should be noted that vaginal childbirth is a natural process. The woman's body is hormonally and mechanically prepared to be able to carry it out even without medical intervention. However, unforeseen events may arise at the time of delivery that force professionals to decide to perform a cesarean section.
On the other hand, there are women who prefer to give birth by cesarean section because they are afraid of pain, but it should be noted that the recovery is much worse than with natural childbirth. In addition, women with cesarean section will need assistance and help from family members during the first few days, both for daily routines and to take care of the newborn.
In any case, at the moment of delivery, the health of both the future baby and the mother who is going to give birth will always be taken into account.
The general course of action at the end of a pregnancy is natural childbirth and a cesarean section will only be performed in certain situations such as the following:
In general, any situation that endangers the life of the baby or the mother will be indicative of a cesarean section.
As with vaginal birth, there are advantages and disadvantages when a baby is delivered by cesarean section.
For example, one benefit of cesarean section is that the woman will not feel pain and the procedure is short, about 30 minutes. In addition, scheduled cesarean delivery allows the woman to know the exact day she will have her baby in her arms.
However, cesarean section is a surgical procedure and infections and/or damage to other organs may occur. In addition, in the case of wanting to breastfeed, it will be more complicated because oxytocin is not generated.
If you want to know all the details about the cesarean section, we recommend you to visit the following post: How is a cesarean section performed?
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